Thursday, May 24, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Music

I had one...maybe two songs in mind for the scores.  But I simply didn't have enough songs in my mental database to come up with enough songs to fill up the entire musical.  Enter my trusty "sister-I-never-had" -- 子莊.  She was there for me to bounce ideas off of.  She offered up suggestions for casting.  And she was the one who suggested one of the defining songs of the musical - 滾.  Without her... I think we still would've done a good job.  But with her... we did much greater.  Now with all the songs in hand... I needed a band.

In times of trouble and turmoil, who do you turn to - your safest and most trusting life-jacket.  I've known the Tsang's for over 10 years....but other than some large events, we've never really served together.  And once we did, it's no wonder this family has been a pillar of SJCAC for so many years. They serve silently.  They're not ones to boast.  They're first to pray.  And they're always there... a constant.

We first met on a Friday night, April 20th, to briefly discuss the overarching plans.  Within 2 days, after sending off their relatives back to HK....they already gave me musical samples of almost all the scores.  (HOW DOES SHE DO THAT?!?!?!?) All I gave them were the song titles and a youtube link!  They're enviable technical skills are only matched by their passion to serve in the Kingdom of God.

If the script was the body... and the actors brought it to life, the music gave the skit it's soul.  No one will notice... probably not even the actors.  But the surreptitious, background chords (or therelackof) sets the mood of each of the scene.  The audience, without realizing it, already had their emotions evoked before one line was even uttered.

I stood in awe as I admired this family and what they do, day in and day out, to serve this church. And all this... while the Tsang's sacrificed their precious worship team rehearsal time and family time.  What an honor to serve alongside and be blessed by this family.

Music is one thing... I still needed to fill in those damn lyrics!!!


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