Monday, May 28, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Nightmare

A lot of people say I'm a perfectionist, that I demand high quality.  To a point, where people have told Joyce, "It's so hard being your husband's wife."  I have no idea what they're talking about.  I demand so little!! I just expect you to do what you feel most comfortable with.  Hopefully, it's at a level of excellence that's equal to mine. (hehehe)  But if it's not, I then you've got a lot of catching up to do...

Week 1 went horribly (in my eyes).  The sound system and microphone completely blew the entire mood.  We didn't rehearse enough.  Our mics that didn't work.  We had misplaced mics so we couldn't get lines out.  Music files were wrong.  Lines were forgotten.  So many bad things happened... and after the end of Act 1.... to which ended up in thunderous applause, I simply needed to hide.  I was pissed.  No.... I was "effin" pissed!!!  How the heck can it go so scandalously wrong?!?!?   At that moment, the only place I felt comfortable in being was the crying room.  We locked up the crying room, so we can force people to sit in the sanctuary.  And as luck would have it... it was Anderson translating.  During those 20-25 minutes of fuming and calming down... the only person I really needed to be with, was good ol' Anderson.  He needn't say anything... I just needed him to be there.

And although afterwards, all I heard were accolades, the only thing I had in mind was, "This is NOT going to happen next week."


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