Sunday, May 20, 2018

That special someone....

Every now and again... you come across that special someone or someone(s) that make a deep impact in your life.  They're not consistently there, but they're there when you need them.  And they're there because God knows you need them.  For us... that special someone are the Hui's. 

We invited Pansy and Joshua over for dinner tonight for fellowship and sharing.  We don't know them too well... but when Nn was born and subsequently SW.... Pansy would never hesitate to contact Joyce or come over and pray for us.  I still vividly remember, during our struggles with SW... that each time Pansy came over to pray for our needs, the next day, God answered our prayers. 

Tonight's sharing was deep.. .was broad... was wide... and was high.  Really felt the anointing of the Spirit covering us.  I'm not sure when's the next time we'll sit down and break bread with them.  But when that day comes, I'm sure it's because the Lord will be using them to answer our next round of questions. 

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