Wednesday, May 09, 2018

5 Languages of Love - Part 2

This is actually part 2 of my post on "5 Languages of Love".

"Hi.... my name is Henry."
("Hi, Henry.")
"And I'm a churchaholic."

One of things I told Joyce when we discussed the 5 languages was.... all the things I've done for church, how come you haven't once praised me? encouraged me? or even as little as acknowledged me?

Her answer...."You do too much.  You're always on the phone.  On your laptop.  In meetings."

Then it struck me.... despite working in the Silicon Valley, I can probably proclaim that I'm not a workaholic.  But what I've done is... I've replaced work, with church.  And subconsciously, I'm so smart, I won't let my wife or kids complain, because I'm doing "God's work."  Or as I tell my kids, "爸B去做牧羊人."  How dare they complain?! Right?!

Work... sexual immorality... alcohol... drugs... gambling... all these vices have broken families apart. But who would think church can become a vice??  That church can ironically drive a wedge into the very relationship that it forms.

Joyce wasn't accusatory in her words.  She spoke from a place of pain.

Praise God for this wake up call.

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