Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

I love my wife....  the mother of my children.  My best friend.  The love of my life.

She's beautiful.  She's gentle, yet she's strong.  She's gifted, yet she's humble.  She's beautiful, yet.... she's VERY beautiful.

So much has changed over the years. 

Who'd have thought... my wife will be teaching a Children Sunday School?  Her passion for the next generation is next to none.

Who'd have thought... my wife would have co-lead a CNY children's performance?  I never once asked her to do anything.

Who'd have thought... my wife was not part of 1.... not part of 2.... but part of 3 CNY performances?!? Not me..... but my wife.

Who'd have thought... my wife will be part of Amy C-mo's Soul Care sister group?

Who'd have thought... my wife would be communicating and caring for other sisters in our fellowship? Going to lunch with them. Texting them. Loving them.......

How I long for her to return to Worship Team.


千里馬, 奔跑吧!

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