Tuesday, May 22, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Script

I finally started on the script after Men's Retreat on April 15th. Wrote the script in two days and got the English draft out on April 17th. I was hoping the cast can go with my English version, cuz my trusty translator/typist was in Malaysia. Ended up translating it myself... and got the first Chinese draft out on April 20th. Right on time for my final cast member.

PAL wanted 5 minutes. I asked for 10 (knowing full well it'll be at least 15). By the end of week 1.... I had easily revised that thing a dozen times, cuz Act 1 is so long and detailed. Conversely, we were desperately thinking of how to add more meat to the bone for Act 2 cuz there's nothing to base that story on.

But it wasn't a one-man show...everyone pitched in with their great ideas and their honest assessment.

I even had to go back and forth with someone who kept insisting we stick with scripture and . I kept on insisting this skit isn't to re-tell the story from the bible, but to give a modern twist and to open up the fact that EVERYONE is broken. My intention was to tear open buried wounds... and allow the Holy Spirit to enter that opening to start the healing process. Countless emails and texts were exchanged over two simple words.... "犯賤." Especially on Mother's Day - where I purposefully created an imperfect mom. In the end... PAL was curiously more concerned with other words that never even made it on anyone's radar. (Makes you wonder where our heads are). 

For Act 2 (week 2), the script kept evolving... up until past 11:30PM on Saturday night. I really wanted to end the Act with a cliffhanger...a jaw-droppiing ending. But Joyce was utterly, completely against it. She even said that's "irresponsible." So in the end... I was inspired to end it with a somewhat happy, yet cliff-hanger type ending. It was probably the best and only way to end it. I guess that's what they call Show-Business. I ain't ever done... till it's done.

And this isn't a play...it's a musical. Now I needed the songs....


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