Saturday, May 19, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Cast

When all I had were half-baked ideas and no script, I secured the "Mother", "Brother", and "Dad."  They were pretty much sure-in's right away.  No begging, prodding or even needing to explain the script. Then by happenstance, I got to know a brother at the Men's Retreat and we clicked right away!!  He became my 4th actor, "the Comic Relief."   The 5th and arguably the most important character was also the toughest to cast.

The bible goes into details on the Lost Son and the Loving Father.  But the older brother.... that was the toughest character to develop because ironically, everyone I talk to say they resonated with him the most.  And because I like to break from tradition... I made the character into an older sister.

Went through 3 different actors, who I thought were perfect for this role. But for one reason or another... they did not work out.  Finally...  probably by some divine intervention, my angel showed up at my doorstep.   And she was the ultimate casting call.... she sealed the deal.  She pushed this musical to the next level.  Problem was... I didn't know her very well.  We may have exchanged no more than 3 sentences over the past few years she's been at church.  How was this going to work!?!??!?

I always have reservations about pulling people out of their daily lives and routines to "work" at church.  Not once did this group hesitate in coming to rehearsals.  They were all punctual, dedicated, creative.  And in any team...there's something that you can't really build = chemistry.

Finally... April 20th, got my last and final actor. Not a moment to spare....


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