Wednesday, December 23, 2020

An echo of myself...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 115

I love singing. I love whistling. I love humming.  I don't care who's around me... I do it cuz I love it.
Well.. if there's one gene that NN got from me... it's the singing gene.  And in recent months...she's really started to sing... all the time...ALLLLLL THEEEEE FRIIIIIIGGGGGGIIIINNNN TIIIIIIME!!!!

It's not like she's bad... but she really isn't that good.  And there are times when I just wanna tell her.... y'know... put a sock in it.  I've suggested that we get her vocal lessons.  So she can master her interest. I've told her to stop singing because she'll lose her voice again.  While we're playing Super Smash Brothers and she's belting out Hamilton... I shush her cuz I need to concentrate.  Heh... 

And as they open their Christmas presents... each person getting a bluetooth karaoke mic... who ends up playing with it the entire night???

"如珠 如寶 如C3PO 每日效勞 望到 卻觸不到..."

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