Sunday, December 06, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 100

Haven't binged on anything since 回到三國.... and as I was perusing for Chinese movies to watch on Family Movie night... I realized that 使徒行者 is both a TVB series and multiple movies.  This franchise is a force to be reckoned with.

The series is 31 episodes long...but it easily could've ended in 20. The other night... I was watching it... and waiting for the twist... and OMG... there are so many plot holes.  To a point where I had trouble falling asleep. To a point....where I dreamt of a resolution to the plot hole!! In my dream... I explained everything.  Heh... that's when you know you've 走火入魔'ed.  

It was cool though...especially the part when 楊康 and 完顏雄烈 had a series defining dialogue.  Heh... some things just never leave you.  

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