Wednesday, December 16, 2020

When life passes you by....

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 109

Never once did I expect this to happen to me.  Not me.  But today... I forgot someone's birthday.  Just yesterday... I was talking about princess cake.  But at the stroke of midnight...and throughout the day... It simply slipped my mind.  It wasn't until evening... when I was about to turn in... that I stopped to take a breath and realized..... Ohhhhhhh Emmmmm Geeeeeee..... and by that time.... it was too late.  23 hours have already past by.  My last stroke of goodwill.... was to wish someone a happy birthday via text.  Ugh.... I never thought I'd be "that person."  But today.... I am.  

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