Friday, December 04, 2020

It didn't use to be like this...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 98

Was playing badminton today... and I heard my knee pop. So right now.. I'm tiger balming my shoulder AND my knee. My shoulder has been giving me grief for a few weeks now. Is it a rotator cuff? Is it tendonitis? Is it overexertion from badminton? Or beyblades? Or ergonomics? Or all of the above?

One cool thing is... now that my right arm hurts so much... I have to train myself to play badminton lefthanded.  It was goofy...clumsy...downright embarrassing.  Like learning to walk again... couldn't even do the basics.  Part of getting old... and getting in front of getting old.  Sigh... it didn't use to be like this. 

But the past few days... I've been making some big strides.  Y'know how they say when you lose one of your senses, your other senses automatically become more sensitive? Like when you cover your eyes, you have dog ears all of a sudden.  When I lost my right arm... and couldn't rely on my muscle memory and / or any hidden tricks I've developed... I'm forcing my brain to go back to the basics.  And amazingly... my returns and digs are far surpassing how I would play right-handed.  

Re-wiring your brain.  

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