Saturday, December 19, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 112

Another CS Event in the books.  I recommended we do this... PAL bit... but I pulled an immediate bait and switch and opted out of organizing it.  For one... I was really tired of hearing people make all the recommendations but take no action.  But the real reason... I've been running a lot of CS events the past few years and we really needed another set of gigs and gags and not a re-run of what's in my demented mind.

The team of four was amazing.  They really banned together and there was soooo much passion and love that night. So many new concepts and entertainment programs.  Of course... 大家姐 really took the helm and made it her own.  PC did an amazing job producing the event.  And the night truly was about pointing everyone to the true Christmas star of the show - Jesus. 

In the end... PC did bring me back into the team.  You can't replace experience with just creativity and energy alone. I was understandably grateful that the past 2 months, I didn't have to pull too many strings or cash in on any favors.  

The one thing I can't get over though is... they had 4 people pull this together when I've been doing most everything on my own.  And when I say four... the most important person I miss in all my events... came into light when C-lai Chan was right by PC's side the entire time.  Not only did she construct two of the biggest videos of the evening and pieced together heavenly worship from all walks of life... but how she was literally by his side in all the meetings, all the rehearsals and throughout the evening.

How I long for Joyce to serve by my side.... 

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