Wednesday, December 09, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 103

One first recollection of encountering comic books is 老夫子.  Sometime in between 1st and 2nd grade... I remember mom buying us a Garfield comic book from the North Beach Safeway.  I still remember it being issue #10, with a white cover.  (thank you Mom....😢).  As we grew up... aside from the newspaper comic section... I shied away from comics because I thought it was "bad."  Occasionally I would dabble in it with an issue of X-men here or Secret Wars there.  

The in 6th grade... Jademan Comics changed my life.  Tony Wong revolutionized the comic industry (sorta) by translating Hong Kong comics into English and opening an international market.  I still remember the first issue I bought was Drunken Fist #16.  Then I went back and got every issue I can find.  That was about the same time I made that huge step... and started reading 港漫 in Chinese.  I vividly remember that day when I was in my kitchen in 1090.... and I had mom read me that one specific issue of 醉拳.  It was the story of 天殘腳 and as she was reading it... I came to the realization... "CRAP!! I know the characters!! I can read this myself!!!"

That catapulted me into a whole new world of comic books.  醉拳,如來神掌,龍虎門,中華英雄,街霸,天下,海虎。 If people ask me how my Chinese is so good.... the foundation is St. Mary's... the dialogue is TVB.... the writing is 港漫.  Before you knew it... I started drawing comics. I mean... who doesn't doodle.  Stick figures. Evil Teachers. Portraits of the girl you have a crush on.  There was a time when we even created our own comic books! We were so into it... dad even helped us inquire how to get into the field (thank you Dad....😢).

Over the years... the interest has waned mainly due to life getting in the way and the reality that comics doesn't pack your fridge.  That is... until the need arised at work where they needed an illustrator for my department newsletter.  

No... this isn't 拳風腳影 or 問誰領風騷.  This is more along the lines of 老夫子.... this is.... 怎去猜想這夢會變真?? 

And what's more important... I did the drawing.  And I had NN do the coloring.  So her DNA is now forever part of LM.  

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