Saturday, December 12, 2020

Legend of the 5 Articles of Clothing

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 105

Felt the need to clean out our wardrobe and dressers today.  

I combed through my dresser... which wasn't much to begin with.  But I squeezed water out of a dry towel and found 4 undershirts that's at least 10 years old and 1 pair of PJ's that's so loose it can fit two people.  5 articles of clothing. 

On the other hand... I emptied Joyce's dresser and wardrobe... dumping everything on the floor.  Things I've never seen her wear.  Things with tags still on them.  I was hoping to help her reorganize and sort things out.  One by one...she puts everything... EVERYTHING back in the closet and dresser.... sans 5 articles of clothing.  

And that... is the Legend of the 5 Articles of Clothing. 

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