Monday, December 21, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 113

Had the honor of leading TWA the Sunday before Christmas today. Part of leading a group devotion over Zoom is dealing with the grand spread of age-range and grander spread of technology saviness.  For 10 months, we've been dealing with and continue to live with folks who don't know how to mute themselves. 

And on this I was playing 平安 on youtube.. one of the seniors unassumingly sang along unmuted.  One would think it's goofy or funny or a little inconsiderate perhaps?  We didn't have co-host rights so there was nothing we can do short of telling folks to go on mute.  About halfway through the song.. a few other brothers and sisters also unmuted themselves and worshiped together.  Sure, it was ill-timed.  They didn't know the song well.  Nor was it sung in unison. But to have a church family come together to worship our Lord... that.... is what devotion time is all about.

After the song ended and we came off mute... I was so moved and choked up I can barely muster the final words to end the morning.  Thank you Jesus...for such a wonderful Time with Abba.

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