Sunday, December 27, 2020

Obsession 2.0

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 119

For a good two hours... I sat in my garage untangling all of my Christmas lights.  (Brings back fond memories of "Obsession.")  These include the ones I just took well as lights that I've had stored up in boxes from years and years.  At the end of those 2 hours...  was gonna toss the lights that don't work anymore.  Then I 心血來潮 wanted to fix all the lights.  

Started testing each bulb with a known working bulb to see if there's a hidden Open anywhere.  But this isn't the 1960's when the Christmas lights are in series.  Instead, I carefully inspected each and every string... and lo and behold... 90% of the Opens were from bulbs that literally broke off, but their stem was still in the sockets.  Easy-peesy, lemon-squeezy.  The last 10% that wasn't a broken bulb but was a broken wire.  So I busted out some of my Masters of Electrical Engineering skills (heh)... stripped the wire casing and connected them back to together.  BOOM!! The final strand of light fixed. 

Number of hours spent... 3.5.

Number of lights thrown away... zilch.  慳返唔小!

Life is good!! 

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