Saturday, December 26, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 118

Pet Peeve #239.... 見有位就擺.  (Hmm... not kidding.  Maybe I should make a list of my PP's).

The other day... we went biking as a family.  I pick up the garage door opener from the shelf - the same spot that it sits on.  It knows no other spot.  It's been sitting there since who knows when.  When we're done... I'm the last to come back into the house.  I walk over and try to return the garage door opener to it's rightful spot... when I see a pair of sunglasses there.  Dude!!! The sunglasses don't belong there.  Just because there's an open spot doesn't mean you can take it!

Our garage is a warzone.  We buy so much stuff in bulk.  I spend so much time organizing and putting things into their right shelves.  The pasta shelf.  The snack shelf.  The canned food shelf.  It takes time to clear up floor space so there's room to walk and park our car and bikes.  But every time some space opens up... it gets taken over and gets randomly occupied.  

Just because there is a free spot... doesn't mean you can just place the chicken stock there.  There's a chicken stock shelf!!!  Just because there is a free spot... doesn't mean you should place a box of 6 handsoap dispensers.  Put that in the bathroom, please. We buy 2 more bags of rice because our SIP inventory is running low.  Where does it end up... tripping me on my way out to do laundry.  I pick up the rice and attempt to put it the bottom shelf, where it belongs and what do I find in that shelf?? A giant pack of pasta... that I knew we bought...but didn't know where it went.  Of course the pasta is there,.. there was probably a gaping hole. 

Heh... maybe someone has a similar list of Pet Peeves... and #239 is "when people are obsessed with organization and order."

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