Sunday, April 04, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 204

Every time a "cuss" word comes up... the kids will naturally go "AYE" as if they're trying to bleep it out.  We've gone through 3 seasons of Fresh of the Boat... and they've been 90-95% consistent with the H-word, the D-words, the B-word, and the A-word.  That's impressive. 

I hate to take the spotlight off the show itself.  The show is amazing.  Has Joyce and me cracking up where our sides hurt.  Astonishingly the kids looooooove it.  Every single self-deprecating Asian stereotype you can think of is free game.  The producers did not shy away from sensitive topics. The actors are amazing in their own rights. I would not do it any justice by commenting on here.  Eventually... they kids will learn all these things.  I guess it's best they get exposed to it under our watch.  Not looking forward to the episode where the boys find their first Playboy on use the internet for naughty, naughty things.  Ugh....

All stereotypes 
Take the good and take the bad
It's what makes us, us

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