Sunday, April 18, 2021

Minority Church

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 214

Today... Pastor Ted preached on the topic "Minority Church." And how historically... it was in the midst of persecution and when the Christianity became a "minority", that the church actually flourished. He cited the story of Daniel and the exile of Israel to Babylon. But he easily could have mentioned the Jews in Mosaic times. Or the invasion of the Assyrians and Chaldean empires. Or even the Romans in 60A.D. when they dashed Acts 1:8 into Acts 8:1.

Ironically... today... it was announced that our church will be undergoing some mighty change with our scheduling and ministry approach.  In some ways.. I feel like CS is on the short end of the stick.  We are now... at SJCAC... the minority.  And why is that? Well... Chinese in the Bay Area is primarily Mandarin.  So MS speaks with a much louder voice.  As much as the church is grounded in Cantonese, ES takes a strong foothold because our Children and Youth ministries are all in English.  Cantonese in modern times... is a side show.  An ornament.  A carryover from yester-year.  We are the minorities in our church.

Joyce summarized it best... part of this is our own doing.  For some reason... all the CS families are not able to retain Cantonese in our next generation.  We've all succumbed to have our kids speak English.  MS...or any of the other ethnic churches... have their kids retain their original language and identity. 

In a way... I love being the minority... the underdog.  It's times like this where I flourish. But man... to be in a position of powerlessness... that sucks!!

Where are the Cantos
If we don't do something now
Will be left behind

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