Friday, April 09, 2021

Spring Break 2021

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 205

Upon arrival… our room wasn’t ready yet. So we headed over to Target to grab a jug of bleach. Got into the room and wiped down every last corner with disinfectant wipes. Ripped off all the linens and replaced it with the ones we were about to donate, but never made it to Goodwill. (We might do this for all future vacations, actually). Poured a quarter bottle of the bleach into the tub, turned on the water and ewwwwwwww…. It got so soapy!! The cleaning lady did NOT do a good job with scrubbing the tub. Good golly… how did we ever survive any of our previous trips??

Had Thai for dinner last night and couldn’t finish the food…. We reluctantly stashed some away in the fridge, thinking that maybe we can finish it another day. Yeah right…that never happens on vacation. But lo and behold… our hotel has a microwave at the lobby. And just as it was planned… the kids wanted Ramen to-go tonight…. Ended up getting two sides of brown rice ($3 each), and we were able to nuke our leftovers and polish off our food without wasting!! BOOM!

First couple of nights.. the kids shared a bed. Tonight… SW didn’t want to sleep with NN anymore and wanted to crash with me and Mah-mee. At around 12:30AM, after 3 round houses in the face and no signs of SW relenting, I had to get up and sneak over with NN. I even contemplated sleeping on the couch, but I took a chance that she wasn’t dreaming of a karate tournament. All night, I slept on the far edge of the bed with my hands cupped around my crotch for protection. (You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve got kicked there.) This can’t sustain. At somepoint… we either have to start sleeping on the floor… or… GASP…. Get two rooms!!!

For some reason, I have one eyebrow that’s like 3x the length of my other eyebrows. Made the decision to yank it out…. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh that hurt.

Fifth and last day of vacation… I wake up with a slight sore throat and sniffles. Uh oh… did I get something?? Baaaaahhh….

Overall… I would rate this as a below average vacation. I was 50/50 about this trip to begin with. The weather wasn’t too inviting. SLO is oddly still in the Red Tier. Wanted to go ATV-ing on the Sand Dunes but it’s closed due to COVID. Bowling? Closed. Looked into ziplining – that just reopened and it’s booked solid. Was looking for a drive-in movie!! But sadly… this weekend they replaced Raya with Godzilla and Kong. Wanted to have one meaningful hike up Bishop’s Peak but none of them were up for it. Then this morning… NN says, “This turned out to be a great vacation!! We thought we wouldn’t have anything to do. But turns out it was a lot of fun!!”

Spring Break Vacation
Doesn't matter where you go
Family comes first

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