Monday, April 12, 2021

Empty Nest

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 208

Today officially marks the day that both kids returned to school in-person.  It was so sad to kiss them goodbye and see them off.  I knew I would miss the constant interruptions and the noise.  But I didn't realize it'll hit me this hard.... for the first time in forever... I had the house to myself since Joyce had to go into work today.  I was so despondent... I started cleaning the house... I even... dare I say... ironed my clothes.  Clothes that literally sat there for over a year since I haven't had a need to wear them.  Yes... ironing.  The chore above all chores.  I resorted to that to distract myself.  What will life be like when they go off to college?? 嗚.... 嗚.....

Everyone is gone
House is empty and quiet
Empty Nest begins

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