Friday, April 30, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 228

Being the 2nd child sucks sometimes... and being the 2nd child of a pair of cheap parents suck even more. After NN's 1st birthday... we vowed to not do another birthday party until they turned 10. For NN... she had her moment with her friends. An Escape Room... cake... song... presents. SW.... this was his year. And COVID is still lingering to a point... where we were gonna punt. Until Seth's mom asks, "Do you wanna do a joint birthday hang out?"

Birthday parties are still frowned upon. Parties with large groups of people from various bubbles are not allowed. Public places are still closed...sorta... and you won't be able to get a park or public venue without getting dirty looks.  Thank goodness Kristine thought of holding a birthday hangout after school on school grounds.

SW was so excited.... he was giddy the entire week when he found out.  We had a pinata... we had cake (individually wrapped cupcakes made by a caterer), we had candies, lots of it.  Toys. Games. Great friends. Great company.  SW... to say the least... finally had his day.  We had more people than we planned for... but Kristine.. in all her awesomeness... bought so much stuff, we coulda hosted a party for the entire school.  The way she spends for her son is jaw-dropping.  If it was us... we'd use the guest list and add 4-5 kids for margin.  She took the guest list... and multiplied it by 4-5 for margin.  

And I.... I got to organize another Amazing Race.  Heh.... and the kids were pissed.  A lot gave up.  One girl screamed, "Who does math at a party?!"  The parents loved it... "We have a new PE teacher!"  It was a little disheartening when only 2 teams played it through... and astoundingly... they were girls.  It broke my heart that no one tried to memorize 1 Cor 13 or the Preamble of the Constitution.  It was disappointing that no one got the math problem right.  But in the end... after we skipped all the "brain" competition and went with the "braun", the teams who gave up came back in. 

Couple of noteworthy moments.... when a dad said to me, "This is amazing... one of the first times we've done anything since COVID hit us a year ago."  And another moment... when SW was sitting with his friends counting their booties from the pinata.  

My baby. My little peanut.  My own flesh and blood.  I didn't think little dollar store toys and Oriental Trading junk would mean so much to a bunch of spoiled kids.  But amazingly it did.  The fact that the Heritage family can band together and form a day of joy and happiness... that was heart melting. 

The party ended.  We had a lot (A LOT) of leftover pizza...cupcakes...candy and food.  But it was allllllll good.  Cuz at the end of the day.... Siu Wah was sooooooooooooooo happy.  And when Siu Wah is happy.  Well... that makes mom and dad happy.

And tomorrow.... he will officially turn 10.  

Once every decade
Decide to host a party
Best time of our lives

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