Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Lost and Found

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 210

Peet Peeve #132 - Carelessly losing things.... and showing zero remorse! 

Why does it bother me so much when things are misplaced.  When the kids were younger... I would lose it and turn the house upside down (while scaring the bejeezus out of them) if they misplaced a library book.  How hard is it to keep track of your books??

Earlier tonight... NN owned up to losing the tip to her stylus. I was trying to keep my frustration in... but the fact that this stylus was bought to replace a previously lost stylus.  And it was a tiny, little tip that she unscrewed out of habit so she can play with it.  I was stunned that there was almost zero effort put into finding the tip... albeit, it's about the size of a booger.  I kept telling myself... it's only money.  Don't make a big deal out of it. I kept thinking... how would Ken and Hody handle this?  But the more I thought about it... the more frantically I searched in vain... the more worked up I got.  

Fine.  I'll buy replacement tips.  I'm sure it happens more often than not.  Only to find out... it's out of stock everywhere!! Might as well buy another stylus.  Geeeeeeez!!!  Keep your fidgety hands away from a teeny-tiny piece of thing-a-ma-bob and care about your stuff for once.  I bet if they had to pay for the replacement themselves... they'll learn that mom and dad won't always buy their way out of trouble.  


Not about money
But it's about principle
How hard can it be?

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