Tuesday, April 13, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 209

Back in 1996... when we first descended down Cuesta Ridge to San Luis Obispo... you'll see huge billboards of Kristin Smart, the college freshman that went missing after a college party. That sparked a Hardcopy, Unsolved Mystery, a True Crime Podcast just to name a few media venues that documented the murder case that has gone unsolved for nearly 25 years.  But today... the San Luis County sheriff held a press conference announcing the arrest of the prime suspect and his accessories.  25 years later... we might finally have closure.  This was just one year prior to my enrollment at Cal Poly... and eerily enough.. my freshman year... two more female students were mysteriously murdered, sparking a city wide alertness that continues to haunt me till today.  I really hope we can find Kristin (RIP) so the family can rest in peace. I really hope justice can be served and we can all have what we've sought after for over a quarter of a decade... closure.

The fifth amendment
We can't simply go by feelings
Shadow of a doubt

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