Saturday, April 17, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 213

Pet Peeve #15 - Not returning your shopping carts.

I mean... if you're a senior citizen or a mom with young children on a rainy day... fine... prop it up on those cement planters so they don't roll away.  And push it deep into the planter so you don't block a prime parking spot.  

Today at Costco... as I was turning the corner... I saw a lady joyfully push her cart and park it next to a cart that was next to a planter.  Not only was the cart a threat to roll away... it was now halfway into someone's parking spot.  I couldn't help myself.... I stared her down with my eagle eyes and shook my head.  I was wearing a cap... so the shaking was more prominent.  "Nuh-uh-uhhhh... C'mon lady!!! The parking stall is one row over!!!"  She must've seen me.... cuz she took a 180 degree turn, walked back to pick up the cart, and parked it in its rightful place of destination.  

In my parochial, legalistic, specious self... I did society some good today.  I will all asleep with a smile on my face.

Go do what is right
Try being considerate
Walk those extra steps

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