Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Oh.... the past couple of months have been agonizing.  My smartphone charger was starting to go bonkers.  There were only 1-2 power cords that would charge it... and when it charged, I had to hold onto it in a certain angle or bump it against something hard.  When all hope was nearly lost... and I was willing to either upgrade my phone... or have the phone opened up and charger replaced... I did a little youtube DIY snooping.  And lo and behold here was the fix. 

Take a friggin sharp tip, like a paper clip or thumbtack.  And dig all the lint out of the hole.  That's it. 

I dug and dug... at first, only a few threads came out and I thought it was hopeless.  Then after some more digging, I realized that the 1-2 cords that use to minimally work, didn't even fit anymore!

Then some more digging and digging...and eventually.... WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The biggest lint ball outside of a cat spitting up everything it's shedded the past week! 

It felt.... cathartic.  A release.  A cleansing.  Kinda like... (so I've heard) when you check your belly button and start seeing things in there.  Then you start cleaning it...and cleaning it... and before long... Oh man.... you should've gotten fined by the Environmental Protection Agency.

After the ball comes out... I slip the charger in.  AHhhhhhhh.... fits like a glove. 

Monday, May 28, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Nightmare

A lot of people say I'm a perfectionist, that I demand high quality.  To a point, where people have told Joyce, "It's so hard being your husband's wife."  I have no idea what they're talking about.  I demand so little!! I just expect you to do what you feel most comfortable with.  Hopefully, it's at a level of excellence that's equal to mine. (hehehe)  But if it's not, I then you've got a lot of catching up to do...

Week 1 went horribly (in my eyes).  The sound system and microphone completely blew the entire mood.  We didn't rehearse enough.  Our mics that didn't work.  We had misplaced mics so we couldn't get lines out.  Music files were wrong.  Lines were forgotten.  So many bad things happened... and after the end of Act 1.... to which ended up in thunderous applause, I simply needed to hide.  I was pissed.  No.... I was "effin" pissed!!!  How the heck can it go so scandalously wrong?!?!?   At that moment, the only place I felt comfortable in being was the crying room.  We locked up the crying room, so we can force people to sit in the sanctuary.  And as luck would have it... it was Anderson translating.  During those 20-25 minutes of fuming and calming down... the only person I really needed to be with, was good ol' Anderson.  He needn't say anything... I just needed him to be there.

And although afterwards, all I heard were accolades, the only thing I had in mind was, "This is NOT going to happen next week."


Sunday, May 27, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Lyrics

(Better hurry up and finish my recollection...otherwise I'll forget all the details. HA!)

Often I get asked... "How is your Chinese so good?!"  I'll be first to admit... my Chinese is 本桶水.  All my Chinese comes from years and years of watching TVB... listening to Cantopop... reading 港漫... and oh... those 9 years of Chinese School at St. Mary's.  And don't even get me started on Mandarin Chinese.  If I'm at elementary school level for Cantonese Chinese, my Mandarin is probably at K or Pre-K.

Throughout these years... I've figured out patterns and shortcuts.  I've been able to borrow or even, plagiarize here or there.  But regardless of how much you can leverage off other people's work... there comes a time when it truly is inspiration.

Filling in the lyrics for these songs was like the recent stock market.  At times... I can sit and crank out verses up on verses.  Other times... I'm stuck.  I research other lyrics from similar genre - sometimes I get 1-2 phrases.  Most of the time, it's fruitless.  My method of finding words that rhyme is very archaic. I literally, go through the letters of the English alphabet, one at a time, sounding out words to see if a word exists.  "SCORE!!!"  if it exists... "NEXT....." if it doesn't.  If it exists.... I quickly jot it down like I've uncovered some hidden treasure on my safari.

Then with Cantonese... there are 9 tones. So even if a word "rhymes", the word won't fit unless it's the right "tone."  And if it's the right "tone", I'm stuck trying to find a phrase that fits it's meaning.  Over and over.... day and night... traffic and no traffic... Sitting on the stall or sitting at my desk.  I've scribbled on so many pieces of paper that I've lost track of the number of iterations I've gone through.

And to top it off.... I hold myself to a certain high standard that these lyrics have got to have some depth and meaning.  Unlike the CNY musical I pulled off...this time, it was serious.

Some songs... I got right away.  Some songs... it took a greater part of 3 weeks.  And even then...  I simply gave up and said, "Good enough.  No one will notice."  Astoundingly.... I got soooooooooooooo many accolades from people who were amazed that the lyrics.

One day... I really would like to watch a youtube video or sit with a legitimate lyricist on the art of penning a song.  And now... before the dream comes true... must come the nightmare.....


Thursday, May 24, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Music

I had one...maybe two songs in mind for the scores.  But I simply didn't have enough songs in my mental database to come up with enough songs to fill up the entire musical.  Enter my trusty "sister-I-never-had" -- 子莊.  She was there for me to bounce ideas off of.  She offered up suggestions for casting.  And she was the one who suggested one of the defining songs of the musical - 滾.  Without her... I think we still would've done a good job.  But with her... we did much greater.  Now with all the songs in hand... I needed a band.

In times of trouble and turmoil, who do you turn to - your safest and most trusting life-jacket.  I've known the Tsang's for over 10 years....but other than some large events, we've never really served together.  And once we did, it's no wonder this family has been a pillar of SJCAC for so many years. They serve silently.  They're not ones to boast.  They're first to pray.  And they're always there... a constant.

We first met on a Friday night, April 20th, to briefly discuss the overarching plans.  Within 2 days, after sending off their relatives back to HK....they already gave me musical samples of almost all the scores.  (HOW DOES SHE DO THAT?!?!?!?) All I gave them were the song titles and a youtube link!  They're enviable technical skills are only matched by their passion to serve in the Kingdom of God.

If the script was the body... and the actors brought it to life, the music gave the skit it's soul.  No one will notice... probably not even the actors.  But the surreptitious, background chords (or therelackof) sets the mood of each of the scene.  The audience, without realizing it, already had their emotions evoked before one line was even uttered.

I stood in awe as I admired this family and what they do, day in and day out, to serve this church. And all this... while the Tsang's sacrificed their precious worship team rehearsal time and family time.  What an honor to serve alongside and be blessed by this family.

Music is one thing... I still needed to fill in those damn lyrics!!!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Script

I finally started on the script after Men's Retreat on April 15th. Wrote the script in two days and got the English draft out on April 17th. I was hoping the cast can go with my English version, cuz my trusty translator/typist was in Malaysia. Ended up translating it myself... and got the first Chinese draft out on April 20th. Right on time for my final cast member.

PAL wanted 5 minutes. I asked for 10 (knowing full well it'll be at least 15). By the end of week 1.... I had easily revised that thing a dozen times, cuz Act 1 is so long and detailed. Conversely, we were desperately thinking of how to add more meat to the bone for Act 2 cuz there's nothing to base that story on.

But it wasn't a one-man show...everyone pitched in with their great ideas and their honest assessment.

I even had to go back and forth with someone who kept insisting we stick with scripture and . I kept on insisting this skit isn't to re-tell the story from the bible, but to give a modern twist and to open up the fact that EVERYONE is broken. My intention was to tear open buried wounds... and allow the Holy Spirit to enter that opening to start the healing process. Countless emails and texts were exchanged over two simple words.... "犯賤." Especially on Mother's Day - where I purposefully created an imperfect mom. In the end... PAL was curiously more concerned with other words that never even made it on anyone's radar. (Makes you wonder where our heads are). 

For Act 2 (week 2), the script kept evolving... up until past 11:30PM on Saturday night. I really wanted to end the Act with a cliffhanger...a jaw-droppiing ending. But Joyce was utterly, completely against it. She even said that's "irresponsible." So in the end... I was inspired to end it with a somewhat happy, yet cliff-hanger type ending. It was probably the best and only way to end it. I guess that's what they call Show-Business. I ain't ever done... till it's done.

And this isn't a's a musical. Now I needed the songs....


Sunday, May 20, 2018

That special someone....

Every now and again... you come across that special someone or someone(s) that make a deep impact in your life.  They're not consistently there, but they're there when you need them.  And they're there because God knows you need them.  For us... that special someone are the Hui's. 

We invited Pansy and Joshua over for dinner tonight for fellowship and sharing.  We don't know them too well... but when Nn was born and subsequently SW.... Pansy would never hesitate to contact Joyce or come over and pray for us.  I still vividly remember, during our struggles with SW... that each time Pansy came over to pray for our needs, the next day, God answered our prayers. 

Tonight's sharing was deep.. .was broad... was wide... and was high.  Really felt the anointing of the Spirit covering us.  I'm not sure when's the next time we'll sit down and break bread with them.  But when that day comes, I'm sure it's because the Lord will be using them to answer our next round of questions. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Cast

When all I had were half-baked ideas and no script, I secured the "Mother", "Brother", and "Dad."  They were pretty much sure-in's right away.  No begging, prodding or even needing to explain the script. Then by happenstance, I got to know a brother at the Men's Retreat and we clicked right away!!  He became my 4th actor, "the Comic Relief."   The 5th and arguably the most important character was also the toughest to cast.

The bible goes into details on the Lost Son and the Loving Father.  But the older brother.... that was the toughest character to develop because ironically, everyone I talk to say they resonated with him the most.  And because I like to break from tradition... I made the character into an older sister.

Went through 3 different actors, who I thought were perfect for this role. But for one reason or another... they did not work out.  Finally...  probably by some divine intervention, my angel showed up at my doorstep.   And she was the ultimate casting call.... she sealed the deal.  She pushed this musical to the next level.  Problem was... I didn't know her very well.  We may have exchanged no more than 3 sentences over the past few years she's been at church.  How was this going to work!?!??!?

I always have reservations about pulling people out of their daily lives and routines to "work" at church.  Not once did this group hesitate in coming to rehearsals.  They were all punctual, dedicated, creative.  And in any team...there's something that you can't really build = chemistry.

Finally... April 20th, got my last and final actor. Not a moment to spare....


Friday, May 18, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Dream

Ever since 學友 came out with 雪狼湖 in the late 90's.... I've always imagined myself being on stage and singing one verse and one verse only: 怎去猜想這夢會變真?  I sing it over and over again... to a point where my kids know that one line far too well...  And on April 8th... PAL made my dream come true.

A few days prior, PAL uncharacteristically requests for a play. That afternoon, while stuck in traffic, with the one line "怎去猜想這夢會變真?"  anchoring the story, the rest of the story grew around the core.  That night, I whipped a synopsis together, half-jokingly actually and said this needs to be a musical.  I never intended on following through with this.  But that Sunday, April 8th, at our first meeting, they made me director of a two part musical - 兩個浪子的故事.  Whether they actually liked my idea...or they didn't want to make me feel bad... 

I didn't have a script, didn't have songs, didn't have the right music and lyrics, didn't have an ensemble.  All I had was that one line of one song.... and my dream.

And now the journey begins...


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

First World Problem

Haven't been traveling much the past year...and I lost my United Silver Premier access, something you have to renew annually via flying 25,000+ miles.   It's the lowest of all the Premier levels, but hey.... it gets me Pre-Boarding; it gets me free Economy Plus seating (6 inches of leg room!); it gives me Premier Access through the security lines.  Although... with TSA Pre-Check and CLEAR these days, the Premier isn't as special anymore. 

On this east coast trip... I was stressing left and right.  Will I make it through the security lines on time? I'm now in boarding group 4!!! Will there be enough luggage space?!?  Without the 6" of leg room... will the person in front of me lean back?!?? (Of course he did).

Sigh.... first world problems. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

I love my wife....  the mother of my children.  My best friend.  The love of my life.

She's beautiful.  She's gentle, yet she's strong.  She's gifted, yet she's humble.  She's beautiful, yet.... she's VERY beautiful.

So much has changed over the years. 

Who'd have thought... my wife will be teaching a Children Sunday School?  Her passion for the next generation is next to none.

Who'd have thought... my wife would have co-lead a CNY children's performance?  I never once asked her to do anything.

Who'd have thought... my wife was not part of 1.... not part of 2.... but part of 3 CNY performances?!? Not me..... but my wife.

Who'd have thought... my wife will be part of Amy C-mo's Soul Care sister group?

Who'd have thought... my wife would be communicating and caring for other sisters in our fellowship? Going to lunch with them. Texting them. Loving them.......

How I long for her to return to Worship Team.


千里馬, 奔跑吧!

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

5 Languages of Love - Part 2

This is actually part 2 of my post on "5 Languages of Love".

"Hi.... my name is Henry."
("Hi, Henry.")
"And I'm a churchaholic."

One of things I told Joyce when we discussed the 5 languages was.... all the things I've done for church, how come you haven't once praised me? encouraged me? or even as little as acknowledged me?

Her answer...."You do too much.  You're always on the phone.  On your laptop.  In meetings."

Then it struck me.... despite working in the Silicon Valley, I can probably proclaim that I'm not a workaholic.  But what I've done is... I've replaced work, with church.  And subconsciously, I'm so smart, I won't let my wife or kids complain, because I'm doing "God's work."  Or as I tell my kids, "爸B去做牧羊人."  How dare they complain?! Right?!

Work... sexual immorality... alcohol... drugs... gambling... all these vices have broken families apart. But who would think church can become a vice??  That church can ironically drive a wedge into the very relationship that it forms.

Joyce wasn't accusatory in her words.  She spoke from a place of pain.

Praise God for this wake up call.

Saturday, May 05, 2018

I wish....

Been working on a musical with some b&s at church.. and some of them have so much musical talent.  They can listen to a song and play it on the piano by ear.  And they can transition...or adjust on the spot.  One sister is even able to know which sound/key that goes with each word.  "D, R, M, F, S, L, T, D"  How do you do that??!?!?!?

So jealous....yet.... so impressed to be in the company of these people.  I wish I had half their talent.... I wish.