Friday, May 31, 2019

“Good Night, Sleep Tight...” 第三集、大結局

12:29PM, my phone rings. It’s a “415” number. Can it be another telemarketer? I roll the dice and take my chances.
"唔係一點咩?"  (whatever... early is good).
And within 20 minutes... they had the bed delivered, set up, cleaned up, and was gone with the wind.  $800 + $20 tip.  3 and a half months... it finally comes to an end.  Closure.  Fin.

In the end... I ended up getting the bed.  Drove up to the furniture store on Memorial Day Saturday to place the order.  In the end... I ended up delivering the pillow, comforter, beddings.  In the end... I took away the old bed.  In the end... in the end... in the end...

I am not complaining.  I shouldn't complain.  I can't complain. 十月懷胎.  I can never repay that.  Yet... she just wears my patience thin.  In so many ways.... every single button, she knows how to find and push.

I find minor consolation in having a few people that I can vent at.  And ironically... the past few times, they make me just want to hurl my phone.  Why even vent at them... they'll just make me feel like dirt. Lower than dirt.  The dirt that dirt steps on.  d-dirt.

Deep exhale.... it's over.  Mom made lunch for me.  It was a special moment for have a home cooked meal with her son.  She claims it's the first.  I know she's made me a few more meals... but I wasn't going to argue (see above).  I polished the food, drank the soup, and started troubleshooting her computer needs and filled out a bunch of forms. 

I finally make it home.. get a text from her..  Thanking us for making her bedroom, feel like a bedroom.  Why didn't I pull the trigger earlier?? Why.... 

In the end... when this is all put to bed (pun intended), I think I'm the one that can have a Good night... and Sleep tight.

Dinner Menu: 小籠飽, 紅燒牛腩面, 紅油抄手

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Deflation Sensation

My little "Avengers" or "Justice League" finished briefing all the VP's...and had a chance to brief the Big 3 today.  This was the last hoorah prior to meeting with the big guy himself.  We had everything lined up... charts and data were available... we dry ran this thing so many times everyone was sick of our own charts.  Then within 15 minutes of our presentation, they completed redirected our recommendation.  Gone.  Poof!!  All those months of hard work... disappeared.

I sorta expected something like this... seen this too many times.  My question was, where were you during the mid-course review!!

My team of young bucks didn't take it as well.  "I felt like we were spinning our wheels for 3 months...and all along they had the answer."  and "We failed you Hank.  They didn't accept our ideas."

Poor kids... I did my job in consoling them, letting them know that without your data, ideas and hardwork, they would not have reached their conclusion.  But in reality... it's a tough pill to swallow. Welcome to the real world.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essential Oils

One of Nn's classmates mom is really into Essential Oils. There apparently is an entire pyramid type empire out there that sells these things. Her personal testimonies are quite convincing. She also talked about how back in biblical times, oil was as banal as Starbucks and Peet's for modern day. You see someone on the street and say, "Hey! Let's get a cup of coffee. Well, back then, it'll be "Let's go get a dose of oil!" She even cited these books and studies on different oil recipes from the bible. Then it occurred to me.... wait....this isn't just biblical times... this is MY CULTURE!!!! The Chinese also believed and practiced in essential oils...
In my recollection, there's the all loving, all encompassing, very nurturing, 蠟梅油.  You use this for various illnesses from bug bites, to scratches and cuts, to even pimples. 

Related image

If 蠟梅油 is the Mother of All Oil (which it's not, as you shall see), then the Father of All Oil is the all curing, much dreaded, ever-smelling "BITE" of 獅子油?? If pungency equated to potency... the lion oil certain takes that crown. Unlike 蠟梅油, 獅子油 burned. It reeked. It brought water to our eyes. But you reached for it... for all the tougher cases. And mom said... for a while, the US banned sale of this, cuz Americans really thought the oil was made of lions. *Shrug* or should I say, *Growl?*

There's the much much more famous, but not in my household, 活絡油.  Ahhhhh.... for massaging, relaxing, balming and was the forerunner for "Hot Ice" and "Ben Gay."  Maybe this is the Uncle of All Oil??? I dunno....

And then... the oil the That Shall Rule Them All...the oil That Shall Not Be Named... the oil above all oil.... the one where if you're riding a city bus and you get a whiff of it, you immediately bounce up and yield your seat.  It's the oil... where if someone is fainting, it comes out to go under the nose, behind the ears and on the temples.  Arthritis.  This oil. Stomach ache.  This oil. Itching / allegies. This oil. Migraines? This oil. Cook dinner.... man.... makes you wonder.  It's the oil... which brings you back to days gone by... days of the past.. days where you can no longer hold onto.  The infamous...

So Joyce buys into this Essential Oil fad and gets a diffuser and some oil from Whole Foods.  Whatever... if it makes the family sleep better, fine.  If it gets rid of moth problem, fine.  If it changes me into a mutant ninja turtle fine.  What's not fine?!?!?!? WHAT'S NOT FINE?!!?!?  As I dropped the kids off today..  I hugged and kissed them... and they both smelled like.... my grandma.  Sigh....

And then today... I saw Costco selling Essential Oils.  If they sell it at Costco... I guess it's validated.

Dinner Menu: Tinola over Rice

Monday, May 27, 2019


I'm very nonchalant when dealing money with friends and family.  I trust that no one is out to 煽 me.  And it all works out at the end.  Despite that... deep down, I still get 眼紅.

Case in point, Hody and I bought a bag of 花膠 together.  We were about split the bag... I really didn't care how she divvied things up, I trusted her.  But when she was dividing up the booty... and I saw her put the big pieces in her bag, I grew 眼紅!!  Was thinking... "Wait... why do you get all the big pieces?!?"  And we even had a balance... to fairly weigh out everything.  In the end... she was very fair.  And we did use the balance to make sure no one got jipped.  I guess no matter how "fair" I want to be...inherently... I still have the fear of being on the short end of the stick.

Dinner Menu: Mediterranean Sea Bass, Pescatora pasta, a glass of Chianti and a glass of Pinot Noir

Saturday, May 25, 2019


One message, two speakers, two results.

A few weeks ago, I shared some ideas in a leadership meeting and was met with accusations of blasphemy.

Today, PT said the exact same things and was applauded for profound, breakthrough thinking.

The only difference is... he’s who he is. And I’m me.  When I shared this with Roy, who was in both meetings, he said the difference was the audience. Ahhh wellz... regardless, deep down, I felt vindicated. Not that it matters. Just sayin....

Dinner Menu: KFC and Costco Cheese Pizza

Friday, May 24, 2019

When Mama's Not Home

Joyce had a Sisters' Night Out tonight... which meant I get to spoil the kids all by myself.   By spoiling... I took them on a 5 mile hike up Rancho San Antonio.  It started out fun and exciting...I would take them on the circuitous route. Instead of going around the creek, we would walk on the balance beam formed by a fallen tree.  We would observe turkeys, lizards and any other animals that's not a mountain lion. Then after the 3rd mile... everyone started to get hangry and complained.  It didn't help that NN suggested we play a game of describing of favorite dinner.  No no no.

But I pushed them and challenged them... not giving them a chance to stop and rest until they reached the Vista Point. 

NN: "I'm tired."
BB: "Hi Tired! I'm daddy."
NN: "Not funny."
NN: "My foot hurts."
BB: "Hi foot hurts."
NN: "Daddy, that doesn't even make sense.  Can you stop."
BB: "Stop what?"
SW: "Dad jokes!!"

(a few minutes later)

SW: "I'm tired."
NN: "Hi tired!"
All: "Hahahahhaa

On the way back down, SW slipped and scratched his knee.  He started crying. Rightfully so... he was tired and it stung.  Last time I took the two of them hiking, he also slipped and fell and scratched his knee.  Wrong type of tradition to build.

In the end, I articulated the importance of overcoming challenges, the times it feels that you're physically exhausted and someone's there to walk that final with you, the feeling of victory when we reached the Vista Point, and planting the seed that we will look back on these special 三人行 moments.

Then they started longing for Mommy.  Why?? If Mommy was here, we would've turned around after the first half mile. =) 

Dinner Menu: Sweet Tomatoes

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Made a little promise to {someone} that 2019 will be a year of reconnecting and reconciliation.  The year started out with a phenomenal lunch with Nancy and a majestic dinner with the Fab 5.  Today... I gave my volleyball coach, Dan, aka 鬼佬, a call.

His voice sounded weak.  He's aged.  But his mind is like an elephant.  The gory little details he remembers is remarkable!!  Down to a insignificant conversation we had at a Salvation Army nearly 20 years ago.  Looking back... Dan had as much an impact on my wicked sense of humor, sarcasm and goofiness more than practically anyone other than Big Bro.  His use of irony... straight faced comedy... current events induced uneasiness... and self-depreciation... has oddly shaped the man I am today. Obviously, the taught me how to play volleyball.  He also taught me how to swing a golf club.  Took me to my first Happy Hour (he had a beer, I had lemonade). And one thing that stuck out.. that I till remember, was he loved to read.  He'll get up every morning, make a pot of coffee, and read.

We shot the breeze, joked around a little, reminisced a lot... and at one point, I stopped and said, "Hey Dan... I want to thank you.  Thank you for being such a big part of my life.  You've done more for me than you can possibly imagine."  I wasn't prepared to make that speech at the moment... and choked up.  Maybe he heard it over the phone... assuming he can still hear.  And he interrupted me with an obnoxious sarcastic joke, "Sorry to interrupt... I really need to record that so I can play it every night to put myself to sleep."

"一日為師, 終身為父." It doesn't matter how old he is... how high I climb in life... or how tipsy topsy the world will change.  I will always, for the rest of my days, call him "Coach." Cuz he earned it.  Cuz he deserves it.  Cuz, in some ways, I deserved him.

Dinner Menu: 牛肉白菜陽春麵

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


In 2014, Always put together a Super Bowl commercial that tugs at my heart and opens the water works every time I watch it.  I admit.. I'm guilty of judging, prescribing and even cursing my very own daughter of what she does.

Today... we came home early.. and went outside to play some baseball.  I played outfield (so I don't have to run up half the city block to pick up the ball), while Nn pitched to SW... throwing the ball each and every way, but down the middle.

Behind him. Way out in front of him. Sailing over his head. Bouncing it 5 feet in front of him.  I've spent time teaching NN and SW how to throw.  "Don't throw from your elbow! That's throwing like a girl!" I would say.  And while it's somewhat true...  that girls prefer to throw from their elbows instead of their shoulders, I see boys (and men) do the same.

So I'm relentless.  I make her throw me 15-20 pitches.  Not accepting how she's throwing.  My daughter deserves a redo.  Even though she could possibly be mocked the rest of her life, I will do my part to ensure that if she does get mocked, she will go down fighting, #LikeAGirl.

I love my 囡囡豬.

Dinner Menu: Curry Tonkatsu over rice,  咖喱雜丸, 油菜苗

Sunday, May 19, 2019

I don't believe in luck...

I don't believe in luck.  Luck, is the intersection of preparation and opportunity.  And as "luck" would have it... I was mightily prepared when the opportunity presented itself in the form of Paul's Life and Letters Final today.  Did I ace it?? Probably not...but I'm confident I passed.

I'm not a good test taker.  Some people just know how to study.. and know how to regurgitate.  Too many times during college, I think I know the material, but come test time, I just fail to perform.  Not today... Especially when our teacher, specifically drilled us hard yesterday in our final class.  And I had a feeling I needed to study that one question.  BAM!!! That question was pretty much 1/3 of the final.

Brings back memories of the other time I got "lucky."  Digital Design in my Masters course... and I went to office hours the day before the final to figure out how to answer one question.  The professor went into detail, step by step, on what to do.  I even had a buddy (colleague, actually) who was in there with me.  The next day... that was one of the questions on the final.  BAM!!!!  Took me 3 minutes to regurgitate everything.  The dude who was with me... also lucked out.

Doesn't always happen that way. Sometimes, during a midterm or final... if you're stuck, then you're stuck.  Not today.

Mood: at the crosspoint of preparation and opportunity... aka lucky

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Just shaddup already!!

In every group... there's usually a guy that likes to argue for argument sake.  Whether it's to stir up conversation... or it's to make them sound smart... or it's because they're just born argumentative.  They will argue with you non-stop, until you give-in and take their side... then they'll switch sides and argue with you again!!!  Can't stand those people... unless that person is me. Tee hee!!

The past few weeks... I found myself at the cross roads of an otherwise simplistic theological doctrine.  The answers are obvious.  Jesus is God.  He's omnipotent.  End of argument.  Or... we WANT to bear each other's burdens, but it's simply impractical.  How are those even points of discussions??

Well.... lemme tell you! Actually... lemme not.

Was Jesus the most influential leader ever?? Well of course He was. He's God!! He's the Almighty!! Not semi-mighty.  Not pretty-mighty.  How can you even argue against that?? Well... I did.  I carefully devised my answer into Jesus the Son of Man for 33 years.  Was he influential?? Of course He was. But what happened when he died?? Every one went into hiding!! What happened when he ascended into heaven?? They went into hiding!!! What happened when He asked Simon Peter if he loved him?? Simon failed.  It wasn't till the Holy Spirit came... that things started changing.  And even then... you see how the apostles kept failing in Acts.  Oh.... but Jesus is part of the Trinity.  Yes yes.... He's God and He's omnipotent.  For a few moments that day.... I was the anti-Christ.

In the book of Galatians... it says we have to bear each other's burdens.  I felt the class was taking the passage out of context.  Take a step back people!! Read the passage as a letter for what it's worth.  Understand the other teachings from the bible and step into Paul and the Galatians' shoes.  It's clear as day if you do that.  Nope... I was lambasted again. 

Makes me wonder... if I'm argumentative?? Or is there more than meets the eyes?? Are they drinking from the Kool-aid?? Or perhaps... I'm inherently theologically flawed.

Sometimes... I wanna tell myself to just shaddup already!!

Mood: giggly

Friday, May 17, 2019


中文学校学期完结,收回囡囡的每周笔记。由于她的中文程度只限于广东话的谈话,他对造句作文是一晓不通, 唯有我和老婆帮她。岂料今天看笔记簿时、内面很多血迹!伤痕累累!原来用繁体字是错的。每当有繁体字,老师都要求改回简体字。这就算了吧。普遍的中文普通话自从解放之後也是簡體字的。但最令我深深不忿,就是當筆記簿沒有血跡時、老師的評價竟然是一個 「Good」 字。


心情: 岂有此理

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Roe v. Wade

Abortion is one of those topics that goes undiscussed unless you are in a very very very very very safe environment.

I first learned about abortion in 5th grade... when Sr. Celine showed us pictures of baby body parts.  Needless to say, she scared the beejeezus out of me where I was anti-abortion as you can get.

Sometime in high school... when having lunch with dad, he disclosed a family secret that runs deep.

In college, English 114, wrote an argumentative paper on abortion, writing a letter to a congress(wo)man urging them on THIS or THAT.

A few years ago... I "taught" a Social Injustice class at church on the topic of Abortion to a group of church leaders.

Today... in a little town in the deep southern state of Alabama, lawmakers signed into law banning abortion.  With the current Supreme Court... will I really live to see the overturn of Roe V. Wade???

Sr. Celine... I think you owe me an apology.

Mood: flabbergasted

Sunday, May 12, 2019


PAL showed the result of an informal poll today during CSST... "Who has influenced you the most in your life?"

Results are skewed cuz not everyone responded...  out of the 13 who did:
Mom - 4
Grandma - 2
Dad - 1
Church Mentor - 1
Pastor - 2
Jesus - 2
Sister in Christ - 1

And the last one, that Sister in Christ, was.... Miranda.

I don't remember the first time I met her.  Somewhere along the lines of assimilating, I met her and her husband.  One of my first memories of her was when she came up to me and Tall Ken and asked if we were looking for a "花仔" cuz her son really wanted to be one.  Blink of an eye and Abraham is a college sophomore.  That's how many years I've "known" her.  I once wrote about her when I did the CS Carnival... when most people were sitting around chit-chatting... she tirelessly invited people to Alpha.

If there was one... she definitely belongs in the SJCAC Hall of Fame.  She stands at a mere 5 feet 1 or 2" but has a giant of a heart.  Her passion for Christ, her love for His word, her relentlessness in evangelism, her insistence on prayer.  If we allowed women pastors or elders, she'd be one right now.  Yet...she's still performing the duties of a shepherd, a wife, a mother, a sister and entrepreneur.  Launching and starting Word of Grace has netted our church numerous, otherwise, lost sheep.  So many more to go....

I don't always see eye to eye with her (not a height joke), but she can rub people the wrong way.  She means what she says and speaks her mind.  No beating around the bush.  I respect that.

If SJCAC can have 1-2 more Miranda's.... if only....

"These are souls!! We need to do our part to save their souls!!" says she, with teary-ed eyes.

Miranda... she whom I call, 大家姐.

Mood: admiration

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Final Day as Single Parent

She did it... she toughed it out.  Joyce managed to stay up there and fed mosquito for 3 full days.  I can just see all those fat mosquitos... lounging by the pool side, satisfied, smiling.  Yummm... 

Picked up SW and stayed after school to play a little. He didn't have Gah-Jeh to rush him home.  I even jumped in and played soccer with the rascals in my slacks and dress shoes.  Finally got home... after multiple accidents on 85.  After I pulled up... I didn't even shift into park yet... SW jumps out of the car cuz he wants to see Mah-MEE and Gah-Jeh.  There goes my special place in his heart!!! HA!! 

Got into the house...and Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-lanta.  If someone were to accuse me of beating my wife, I don't think I stand a chance to talk my way out of it.  Joyce's face was sooooooooo swollen.   Poor baby. =(

Everything was fine and dandy for the first 5 minutes... then the kids started to get into it.  Ugh.... I pulled NN aside, "SW was very happy the entire time you were gone.  You come back and now he's crying.  Go fix it."  She pouts and stamps off.  Then she comes back crying (trying to beg for attention), so I tell SW... "Gah-Jeh has been camping for 3 days and is tired and frustrated, go "tum" 返佢."  And he does.  Sigh... the joys of having a family.  

Then I get into my game.  "What do you want for dinner?" One wants taco.  One wants Chinese.  One wants noodles.  Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.  You can't all want the same thing, can you??? Nope!!  I could've said no... and made one thing.  But seeing how everyone was so tired... I shifted from 5th to 6th gear.  Then I punched it from fast to hyper to warp speed.  Then I even went to LUDICROUS SPEED! (*GASP!!* LUDICROUS SPEED??!)  Yes, Ludicrous Speed.  I started dancing... making three separate meals, simultaneously.  To a point where... even Joyce clapped at amazement.  

Finally had a moment to sit and talk to my wife.... 

"I guess next time, I'm gonna go with SW huh?"  

"No, if he wants me to go, I'll go."

"But what if you end up like this again?"

"He's my son.  None of this matters." 

Wow.... wowowowowow.....

Mood: In love... 

Thursday, May 09, 2019

Another Day as a Single Parent

It’s Teachers' Appreciation Week.. not a lot of warning, if at all. SW was adamant that we get his two teachers coffee. Greeeeeeeat. What do you even get people these days? Especially when one of them is [potentially] nursing.  Caff? Decaff? Low Fat? Soy? Hot? Cold? Coffee? Tea? Too many options... too many ways to go wrong. Makes me wonder how and why people chose to give flowers.. what if the recipient has allergies? Americans. We're all weaklings, or privileged.

Ended up stopping by the Seattle based coffee company on ourway to school... which stretched out my commute time. Ugh... and like yesterday,  ended up, calling into a meeting while driving. It was a bear. Then got to late work, which then dominoes....

Single Parenthood is tough.  Got up earlier than usual to make SW a hearty breakfast for a long day of fun at the Tech Museum.  But underestimated the time needed to make a bag lunch... and I needed to hurry onto the road, so I can get to Seattle based coffee chain... so I can get to school... so I can get to work.  Nearly left the house without getting the booster.  Luckily SW reminded me as we were pulling out of the garage...

Single Parenthood is tough.  I picked up SW from coding - he was the last one there with the high school kid cuz I had meetings all day.  He saw me and jumped for joy!!! "What's our special event today??"  "Detective Pokemon."  "真係!?"  Then he follows with... "Bah B 我好肚餓啊。 Sandwich唔夠食."  Who wants their kids to go hungry?? Sigh....

Single Parenthood is tough.  An hour to get to the restaurant.. I have to get in line, order, get the food while answering a million questions about a movie I haven't seen.  (Just be patient... I tell myself).

Single Parenthood is tough.  You let your kid get his own soda.... and what does he do?? He spills it everywhere... not only making a mess on the floor, he's now nice and sticky.  Do I get mad?? Nahh.... he's having a good time regardless.

Single Parenthood is tough.  The movie was soooo soooo bad. 15 minutes into the movie... I snuck out and grabbed a gin and tonic from the lobby bar.  The bartender saw me... and gave me a little more than shot.  I tipped him well...  The movie gave me a nice place to nap.

Single Parenthood is tough.  We got home... and SW said, "Daddy, what are these bumps?" He was breaking out in hives and rashes.  Sh*t!! What did he eat?!?!? The kettle korn I brought into the theater??? What ingredients did it have??  Didn't have time to think... quickly rubbed some cortisone on his rashes to soothe the itch and raided the cupboard for benadryl.  CRAP!!!  Can't find it!!  Where does Joyce usually hide it?? Bathroom? Kitchen??  In my haste... I found one bottle that expired in 2016.  Then I ran into the kitchen... started opening doors left and right and in doing so, knocked over a glass jar and shattered it.  The shattered sound made me realize... she took the benadryl with her to camping.  And thanksfully...cuz she needs it just as much as SW does.  Now... it was time to focus, "Where's the epi-pen??? Am I ready to administer it???"  Right when I was going to redirect my target... out of the corner of my eye, I caught a pink box.  Chewable Benadryl.  Nirvana.

Single Parenthood is tough.  Three days of pedal to the metal without someone to share the load finally caught up to me... and I still had lots of work to do.  I was tired... but I needed to plow.  Ended giving up on connecting... which is fine.  We all need to rest.

But out of all this.. out of this roller coaster week.. I think I earned my star.  When we walked out of the theater tonight... and SW realized that mommy and Gah-Jeh were coming home tomorrow.  He said... "呢兩日過得好快。 過得太快."  Big smile across my face... my baby was actually enjoying this precious Father / Son time.

Mood: bumbleful

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Day as a Single Parent

Joyce and Rachel went on a school Camping Trip... and I was left with SW as a single parent.

Only once, has Joyce ever gone on an overnight business trip.  It was when she was still carrying NN... and she accidentally shocked herself, leading to a week of horrid hell.  Few times in my life have I been on my knees praying unceasingly for hours on end.

There was a shooting at a local high school in Denver yesterday.  Didn't occur to me to be much... sucks that I'm starting to de-sensitize to these news.  Until this morning, when I found out a colleague has two of his kids at this school.  And his kids were sitting in the classroom, right outside the shooting.  Can't imagine how fervently he and his wife were praying for the safety of their children.  To stand in the rec center... waiting... and waiting.... hoping that their kid would walk out from underneath that doorway.  I was in tears... just hearing the news third hand.

As I dropped off SW... the principal and the admin both said they'll be praying for me.  The principal went onto say, "Hamburgers for couple of days ain't bad." I was gonna shoot back at her... but opted for the snarky response, "Hey... we like hot dogs too!" how these old skool women think men can't take care of a home.

Single Parenthood is tough.  Dropped SW off and got to work late.  Couldn't take off early to pick him up so I had to spend money for aftercare.  *gasp*  Then we ended up being stuck in traffic for over an hour.... only to run some errands and pick up stuff.  By the time we got home... I had to start making dinner.  Why am I still living in the Bay Area??? Poor SW was stuck in the back listening to his audio book.  Not once, did he complain.

Single Parenthood is tough.  Just realized he has a field trip tomorrow, but we're out of sandwich bags.  So instead of making a quick run to the local supermarket... I had to trudge him along.  But he was a trooper.  Still no complaints.

Single Parenthood is tough.  I have next to zero music background.  And when enforcing piano practice... something that Joyce usually oversees, I had to step in and help SW out.  Between Youtube and some faking... I was able to get him to learn a new song.  Though I'm sure he pulled a quick one on me and did the bare minimum tonight.

Single Parenthood is tough.  Spent time with him on his Chinese homework... so the stuff around the house got put to the wayside.  Then after homework, I played with him, especially since Mommy and Gah-Jeh aren't home.  More stuff around the house got put to the wayside.  Thankfully... work is manageable and I'm not stressing out like others. And we had a great time.  When we had our Nightly Family Prayer - his item of praise was he got to play with Bah-B tonight (and beat me time and time again!)

Then out of the blue... I get a call from Joyce.  She's suppose to be off the grid... or there's no reception.  But she managed to find one spot to call me... (stupid AT&T network).  She's having a very bad reaction to the bug bites.  Her face is sooooo swollen and burning to a point where she said, "Can you come pick me up?"  Of course I can... gotta get her out of there.  Well... it turns out she's 2.5 - 3 hours away.  Still make the trip?? 6 hours round trip... with SW in tow.  Why not....

I feel so bad for her.  She hates camping..hates the outdoors.  But she's making all these sacrifices and making all these breakthroughs for the kids.  I adore her.  Dashed, are the hopes of us ever going camping.  (Chuckling) Dashed, are our hopes of going to Florida for her dream Disney vacation.  She won't survive.  And about 10 minutes away from our house... on Hwy 17... she calls and says, she'll tough it out tonight.  So long as she stays inside the tent.  The Benadryl is starting to kick in.  But she has 2 more days to go.... wonder if I'll be making that 6 hour trek afterall.

Was gonna take SW out to play today... wanted to give him some fond moments, without Mommy and Gah Jeh.  Decided to stay in... cook dinner... and play on the Wii.  Turned out to be the wise move.  We can go wild tomorrow.

Hats off to all the single parents out there...

Mood: worried

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

"I try my best..."

Going over some slides with a direct report.  She does an exceptional job.  Takes her work seriously... sets a high standard for herself... expects a lot from herself.  She's representing the organization, representing herself, representing her upbringing.  To me... she says, "I try my best." So natural.  What's mind-boggling is... some people's B level effort (to themselves) is already an A+ to the world.

So then...why can some people can strive for, aim for, put in enough effort to just meet the bare minimum? It's just inconceivable in my world.  Maybe I'm the one that's Not of this World.  Wait....

Mood: flummoxed

Sunday, May 05, 2019

There's no place like home

Two weeks we were absent from Home-Away-From-Home.  Today started out swimmingly well with our monthly Good Morning Abba.  We visited Agape CAC while we were down in SD.  We felt so out of place. Can't imagine what the Tat's felt like when they first came to us.

At home... is where we have 5 tables of brothers and only 4 tables of sisters at Good Morning Abba.

At home... is where I hear Joyce publicly declare in the sanctuary, without a mic, a truth that God has revealed to her.

At home... is where I see a sister come in late, halfway through worship, while Chris is praying.... and upon walking in, she quickly genuflects/kneels during prayer.  The reverence and adoration she has to God is not showy... it's personal.  It's full submission. 

I love being home.  There's simply... no place like home.

Mood: more than blessed

Saturday, May 04, 2019


One day, when I see St. Peter at those white pearly gates, I'm going to have a list of questions for him... Who killed JFK? Who was behind the disappearance of Kristen Smart? And... how many 菠蘿包s have I consumed in my lifetime?

What is it about this mysterious pastry that has been as much an anchor as it has the Big Mac to Americans? Or kim chi to Koreans? How has it transcended the open seas of immigration to survive the decades of culinary evolution and the modern culture of carb and starch ostricization?

A simple internet search can unravel the origins of the 菠蘿包 in Hong Kong culture. But to me... 菠蘿包, along with its twin partner in crime 雞尾包 originates as the daily sustenance of my dad. Every morning, before heading to work, he would stop by a Chinatown coffee shop for his cup of coffee and these two staples. It wasn't till many years later...that big bro and I realized, in dad's long 10-11 hour day of manual labor, this was his 15-20 minutes of peace and quiet where he can escape the cross-fires of a Chinese restaurant, for him to find peace in his daily newspaper. Slowly but surely, his daily ritual became my lifelong affair for this crispy, crunchy and internally warm center of flavorful explosion.

Ironically, 菠蘿包 wasn't always my go-to pastry or bun. I grew up loving the equally welcoming and twice as famous 叉燒包. Legend has it... I once downed 10 of those snow-white treasures in one sitting. Of course, with most legends, it was probably 2 or 3... but the number grew legs over the years for dramatic effect. Then in 1993... the movie 八仙飯店之人肉叉燒包 forever sealed the fate of my love for this wondrous marvel... buried in the safe confines with the leftovers being mocking and ridiculing others who feast on the mere idea of possible cannibalism. Heh...

Though not as beloved as the mondo-disgusting 叉燒包, 菠蘿包 was never far behind. One memory that seems to stand out was around the age of 5-6 when I finally put my foot down, and refused to go dim-sum with my dad and his friends. I didn't like the hour long sitting and watching them talk. We didn't have the luxury of electronic devices, nor did we have the wherewithal to know to bring a book or two (if I was even a reader back then), and in the 80's, smoking was still prevalent in San Francisco restaurants. That day... I chose to rather starve, then take the plunge of punishment for 2 hours. Instead... I decided to stay home with mom who somehow understood and knew I wanted something else. That something else... was a 菠蘿包 and a box of Vitasoy 甘蔗汁. When mom asked if I wanted to eat... I was afraid to tell her. Afraid she'll end up simply bringing me to rendezvous with dad and his friends. When I finally cracked under pressure, she said, "Let's go." As vivid as last night's dream, I still remember second-guessing her. "Really? Just me and you? 菠蘿包? Not 飲茶 with dad?" Just as vivid... was the memory of sitting at 平園 Bakery on Stockton... with the best combo known to man. I was.... spoiled.

Over the years, especially in my college years... I longed for many things. Making my random trips to SF so much more special were the trips to Garden Bakery on Jackson. $1 for 3.... how do those businesses even survive?? Upon graduation and moving to the South Bay... whenever I knew a friend or even a non-friend... go out to SF, I would nonchalantly ask them to make a stop by Chinatown and bring me back a simple dollars worth of enjoyment.

At church, during special events, they would go out to a Vietnamese/Chinese bakery to order 菠蘿包 for the kids, and mark it specifically for kids. The adults are left with porridge and croissants. I rarely abuse my God-given authority at church, but this is a case where I will break the law and sneak in a bun or two. To a point where, the breakfast and hospitality staff already know that it's 賣非罰 and will order it on my behalf every time.

There has been different instances of the 菠蘿包. Most notably... ones with custard or red bean or the likes. In Hong Kong and in LA... there's the famous 菠蘿油, which is nothing more than a 菠蘿包 with a slab of butter in the middle. But I've never wavered, staying true to the original form that it was intended to be consumed.

Yesterday... on my way home from SF... I was able to stop by a little known bakery on Noriega. I ordered 9 buns... knowing the kids, who if anything, have also inherited my love for this treasure, will fight me for every last crust. She only gave me 8.... cuz she needed to save what's left of her collection for the rest of the Sunset that share in my love for this precious gem. It's been 2 days... and the 8 pineapple buns, are now down to 2. Two of which are left for the kids tomorrow morning. Of the 8... I've had none. Opting for the runner up of the cocktail bun.

There is no greater love than this.. than to lay down your life for your friend. Shortly after that... is, "and also, to give up your beloved 菠蘿包." As much as I love my 菠蘿包, I love my kids that, THAT, much more. How blessed am I.... that I can have a personally delivered 菠蘿包. A seemingly meaningless gesture, that actually means a lifetime of memories for me.

Mood: heavenly

Thursday, May 02, 2019


One of the facts to accept in life... is when you go to McD's, 7-Eleven, Starbucks or Peet's... or even my company cafeteria and you want to grab a lid for your drink/soup... you always, without a shadow of a doubt, grab more than one.  Hence... the conundrum.  You've touched two (or three).  Which one do you use, and which one do you put back?  Or.... does the one you're about to use have someone else's germs all over it??

Well... yesterday at Costco, came across the most genius, original and yet... obvious trick to do.  Instead of stacking it upwards... why not flip it 180... and stack it downside up???  That way, there's that lip of the lid for you to grab!!  And you will never, ever, without a shadow of a doubt, grab more than one.  Genius!! Mr/Ms. Costco Food Court worker!!

(Or... that person was just a "duh...!" s/he made a mistake)

Mood: impressed

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Lucky Number 8

8... in the Chinese culture, is a number representing Fortune.  People will fight to get an address that has "8" in it.  Or they'll snatch up all the phone numbers that have "8's", unless it's preceded by "5."  (No, this isn't a numerology post).  But it's to commemorate my baby hitting that magic number.  Mr. Happy Go Lucky.  Our little peanut.  Siu Wah.  Weh-Weh.  豬仔. And most recently... on the Disney Cruise, he earned his new nickname, "The Beast of Four Square!"  Can't help but go back to his Running Blog of when he was born.  He, who was one day late, and would've been induced on Star Wars Day.  (I've never been in more of a hurry to be late.)

Yesterday... I snuck out of work for an hour and went through thick and thin to deliver his classroom treat.  When all his classmates have Ice Cream or Cake or both... we went with his favorite.... a cheese pizza.  Not just one, but two.  Even got a candle and stuck it in the middle of the pie for him to blow out.

Looking back the past 8 years... sadly.... two memories stick out more than any.  (Sigh....)

The first one.... was one time, when we were driving somewhere, he was very disobedient and causing a racket in the back of the car.  We were about 5 blocks way from home.  I got so pissed out... I pulled over, pulled him out of the car... and walked home with him.  His little short legs had to keep up with mine.  I wasn't just walking... I was near running.  What could've been going through his mind? How scared was he? What did he do to possibly earn such treatment??

The other one... as small as it was... was once when we were going to the library.  And in his usual self, he was 1) taking forever and 2) he lost a book.  This was when he still stayed at home with Han Yi and his one outlet was going out with Bah-B when I got home.  Well... the common theme here is, I got so pissed at him... I said, "Forget it!! We're not going!!"  To which he walked into his room... sat down in a corner... and started flipping through a Spider-Man book, looking at the pictures, cuz he didn't know how to read yet.  I walked into the room and saw the saddest little face known to man.

SW is the sweetest little thing ever.  He's loved by all.  He's naturally funny.  Has a very sensitive and kind heart.  In our Disney Cruise, we were watching a pirate performance... where the bad pirate was trying to take over the ship.  But he got beaten (obviously) and he started crying... crying for his mommy.  The audience all laughed cuz it was suppose to be a comedy.  I look over to SW... and his eyes were welled up in tears.  He was sympathetic of the person crying... regardless of good or evil.  That's my SW.

I do admit... that I am biased more towards NN.  And how can I not?? She's the apple of my eye.  My princess.  Daddy's little girl.  But SW.... SW is core of this family's joy.  He brings laughter and energy and a sense of simple and naive contentment to whatever God has blessed him with.

仔, 乖仔, 爸B應承你, 我會盡我所能撫養你成仁。 不單只懂得「為國為民,俠之大者」, 而是「愛神愛人, 神國小者。」

Mood: 感恩