Saturday, May 18, 2019

Just shaddup already!!

In every group... there's usually a guy that likes to argue for argument sake.  Whether it's to stir up conversation... or it's to make them sound smart... or it's because they're just born argumentative.  They will argue with you non-stop, until you give-in and take their side... then they'll switch sides and argue with you again!!!  Can't stand those people... unless that person is me. Tee hee!!

The past few weeks... I found myself at the cross roads of an otherwise simplistic theological doctrine.  The answers are obvious.  Jesus is God.  He's omnipotent.  End of argument.  Or... we WANT to bear each other's burdens, but it's simply impractical.  How are those even points of discussions??

Well.... lemme tell you! Actually... lemme not.

Was Jesus the most influential leader ever?? Well of course He was. He's God!! He's the Almighty!! Not semi-mighty.  Not pretty-mighty.  How can you even argue against that?? Well... I did.  I carefully devised my answer into Jesus the Son of Man for 33 years.  Was he influential?? Of course He was. But what happened when he died?? Every one went into hiding!! What happened when he ascended into heaven?? They went into hiding!!! What happened when He asked Simon Peter if he loved him?? Simon failed.  It wasn't till the Holy Spirit came... that things started changing.  And even then... you see how the apostles kept failing in Acts.  Oh.... but Jesus is part of the Trinity.  Yes yes.... He's God and He's omnipotent.  For a few moments that day.... I was the anti-Christ.

In the book of Galatians... it says we have to bear each other's burdens.  I felt the class was taking the passage out of context.  Take a step back people!! Read the passage as a letter for what it's worth.  Understand the other teachings from the bible and step into Paul and the Galatians' shoes.  It's clear as day if you do that.  Nope... I was lambasted again. 

Makes me wonder... if I'm argumentative?? Or is there more than meets the eyes?? Are they drinking from the Kool-aid?? Or perhaps... I'm inherently theologically flawed.

Sometimes... I wanna tell myself to just shaddup already!!

Mood: giggly

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