Thursday, May 30, 2019

Deflation Sensation

My little "Avengers" or "Justice League" finished briefing all the VP's...and had a chance to brief the Big 3 today.  This was the last hoorah prior to meeting with the big guy himself.  We had everything lined up... charts and data were available... we dry ran this thing so many times everyone was sick of our own charts.  Then within 15 minutes of our presentation, they completed redirected our recommendation.  Gone.  Poof!!  All those months of hard work... disappeared.

I sorta expected something like this... seen this too many times.  My question was, where were you during the mid-course review!!

My team of young bucks didn't take it as well.  "I felt like we were spinning our wheels for 3 months...and all along they had the answer."  and "We failed you Hank.  They didn't accept our ideas."

Poor kids... I did my job in consoling them, letting them know that without your data, ideas and hardwork, they would not have reached their conclusion.  But in reality... it's a tough pill to swallow. Welcome to the real world.

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