Sunday, May 12, 2019


PAL showed the result of an informal poll today during CSST... "Who has influenced you the most in your life?"

Results are skewed cuz not everyone responded...  out of the 13 who did:
Mom - 4
Grandma - 2
Dad - 1
Church Mentor - 1
Pastor - 2
Jesus - 2
Sister in Christ - 1

And the last one, that Sister in Christ, was.... Miranda.

I don't remember the first time I met her.  Somewhere along the lines of assimilating, I met her and her husband.  One of my first memories of her was when she came up to me and Tall Ken and asked if we were looking for a "花仔" cuz her son really wanted to be one.  Blink of an eye and Abraham is a college sophomore.  That's how many years I've "known" her.  I once wrote about her when I did the CS Carnival... when most people were sitting around chit-chatting... she tirelessly invited people to Alpha.

If there was one... she definitely belongs in the SJCAC Hall of Fame.  She stands at a mere 5 feet 1 or 2" but has a giant of a heart.  Her passion for Christ, her love for His word, her relentlessness in evangelism, her insistence on prayer.  If we allowed women pastors or elders, she'd be one right now.  Yet...she's still performing the duties of a shepherd, a wife, a mother, a sister and entrepreneur.  Launching and starting Word of Grace has netted our church numerous, otherwise, lost sheep.  So many more to go....

I don't always see eye to eye with her (not a height joke), but she can rub people the wrong way.  She means what she says and speaks her mind.  No beating around the bush.  I respect that.

If SJCAC can have 1-2 more Miranda's.... if only....

"These are souls!! We need to do our part to save their souls!!" says she, with teary-ed eyes.

Miranda... she whom I call, 大家姐.

Mood: admiration

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