Monday, May 27, 2019


I'm very nonchalant when dealing money with friends and family.  I trust that no one is out to 煽 me.  And it all works out at the end.  Despite that... deep down, I still get 眼紅.

Case in point, Hody and I bought a bag of 花膠 together.  We were about split the bag... I really didn't care how she divvied things up, I trusted her.  But when she was dividing up the booty... and I saw her put the big pieces in her bag, I grew 眼紅!!  Was thinking... "Wait... why do you get all the big pieces?!?"  And we even had a balance... to fairly weigh out everything.  In the end... she was very fair.  And we did use the balance to make sure no one got jipped.  I guess no matter how "fair" I want to be...inherently... I still have the fear of being on the short end of the stick.

Dinner Menu: Mediterranean Sea Bass, Pescatora pasta, a glass of Chianti and a glass of Pinot Noir

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