Sunday, May 19, 2019

I don't believe in luck...

I don't believe in luck.  Luck, is the intersection of preparation and opportunity.  And as "luck" would have it... I was mightily prepared when the opportunity presented itself in the form of Paul's Life and Letters Final today.  Did I ace it?? Probably not...but I'm confident I passed.

I'm not a good test taker.  Some people just know how to study.. and know how to regurgitate.  Too many times during college, I think I know the material, but come test time, I just fail to perform.  Not today... Especially when our teacher, specifically drilled us hard yesterday in our final class.  And I had a feeling I needed to study that one question.  BAM!!! That question was pretty much 1/3 of the final.

Brings back memories of the other time I got "lucky."  Digital Design in my Masters course... and I went to office hours the day before the final to figure out how to answer one question.  The professor went into detail, step by step, on what to do.  I even had a buddy (colleague, actually) who was in there with me.  The next day... that was one of the questions on the final.  BAM!!!!  Took me 3 minutes to regurgitate everything.  The dude who was with me... also lucked out.

Doesn't always happen that way. Sometimes, during a midterm or final... if you're stuck, then you're stuck.  Not today.

Mood: at the crosspoint of preparation and opportunity... aka lucky

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