Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Day as a Single Parent

Joyce and Rachel went on a school Camping Trip... and I was left with SW as a single parent.

Only once, has Joyce ever gone on an overnight business trip.  It was when she was still carrying NN... and she accidentally shocked herself, leading to a week of horrid hell.  Few times in my life have I been on my knees praying unceasingly for hours on end.

There was a shooting at a local high school in Denver yesterday.  Didn't occur to me to be much... sucks that I'm starting to de-sensitize to these news.  Until this morning, when I found out a colleague has two of his kids at this school.  And his kids were sitting in the classroom, right outside the shooting.  Can't imagine how fervently he and his wife were praying for the safety of their children.  To stand in the rec center... waiting... and waiting.... hoping that their kid would walk out from underneath that doorway.  I was in tears... just hearing the news third hand.

As I dropped off SW... the principal and the admin both said they'll be praying for me.  The principal went onto say, "Hamburgers for couple of days ain't bad." I was gonna shoot back at her... but opted for the snarky response, "Hey... we like hot dogs too!" how these old skool women think men can't take care of a home.

Single Parenthood is tough.  Dropped SW off and got to work late.  Couldn't take off early to pick him up so I had to spend money for aftercare.  *gasp*  Then we ended up being stuck in traffic for over an hour.... only to run some errands and pick up stuff.  By the time we got home... I had to start making dinner.  Why am I still living in the Bay Area??? Poor SW was stuck in the back listening to his audio book.  Not once, did he complain.

Single Parenthood is tough.  Just realized he has a field trip tomorrow, but we're out of sandwich bags.  So instead of making a quick run to the local supermarket... I had to trudge him along.  But he was a trooper.  Still no complaints.

Single Parenthood is tough.  I have next to zero music background.  And when enforcing piano practice... something that Joyce usually oversees, I had to step in and help SW out.  Between Youtube and some faking... I was able to get him to learn a new song.  Though I'm sure he pulled a quick one on me and did the bare minimum tonight.

Single Parenthood is tough.  Spent time with him on his Chinese homework... so the stuff around the house got put to the wayside.  Then after homework, I played with him, especially since Mommy and Gah-Jeh aren't home.  More stuff around the house got put to the wayside.  Thankfully... work is manageable and I'm not stressing out like others. And we had a great time.  When we had our Nightly Family Prayer - his item of praise was he got to play with Bah-B tonight (and beat me time and time again!)

Then out of the blue... I get a call from Joyce.  She's suppose to be off the grid... or there's no reception.  But she managed to find one spot to call me... (stupid AT&T network).  She's having a very bad reaction to the bug bites.  Her face is sooooo swollen and burning to a point where she said, "Can you come pick me up?"  Of course I can... gotta get her out of there.  Well... it turns out she's 2.5 - 3 hours away.  Still make the trip?? 6 hours round trip... with SW in tow.  Why not....

I feel so bad for her.  She hates camping..hates the outdoors.  But she's making all these sacrifices and making all these breakthroughs for the kids.  I adore her.  Dashed, are the hopes of us ever going camping.  (Chuckling) Dashed, are our hopes of going to Florida for her dream Disney vacation.  She won't survive.  And about 10 minutes away from our house... on Hwy 17... she calls and says, she'll tough it out tonight.  So long as she stays inside the tent.  The Benadryl is starting to kick in.  But she has 2 more days to go.... wonder if I'll be making that 6 hour trek afterall.

Was gonna take SW out to play today... wanted to give him some fond moments, without Mommy and Gah Jeh.  Decided to stay in... cook dinner... and play on the Wii.  Turned out to be the wise move.  We can go wild tomorrow.

Hats off to all the single parents out there...

Mood: worried

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