Sunday, May 03, 2020

And now we wait....

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 48

Heh... today's TWA was so fitting.
你就這樣預備了大地。你灌溉地的犁溝,潤平犁脊,又降雨露使地鬆軟,並且賜福給地上所生長的。~诗篇 65: 9-10
The project started 3 weeks ago when I started loosening and tilling the soil. It then veered off into Super Mario Bros where I was dealing with plumbing. With mostly everything in place... I was able to put the final pieces of the puzzle together. Did another round of tilling and loosening. My muscles were screaming for me to stop.. but I needed to push through this. 

Dug 10 trenches and filled it with fertile garden soil. Then I summoned the kids to plant rows and row of veggies.

Sprinklers are working now.  Weather is perfect.  Tomatoes are still growing in their planters waiting to be transferred. 

And now we wait... 

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