Saturday, May 02, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 47

For all the greatness that Awana is... the teachers are still struggling to find their sealegs with Zoom Awana.  Listening to them teach is worst than listen to a Catholic homily.  Joined in on the phun earlier this evening to make things a little more interesting.

When the teacher started asking questions... I started feeding SW and NN the answers. Hehe... the first one caught the teacher off guard. "Ok.... that's good.  Any other answers?"  Then the second one... the teacher couldn't help but say, "Did you two memorize the entire bible??"  Dude... this is Awana!!! And he just recited one of the memory verses.

Hehe... it's all good.  It got to a point where... SW and NN were raising their hands and the teacher said, "Anyone one want to answer??"

What....?!?!  Nothing wrong with having phun while learning about the bible, right?!?!?

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