Friday, May 22, 2020

How cheap art thou....

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 66

SW was in tears today... when he casually told us his two best friends were playing Minecraft.  Then he said, "I won't play.  It costs money."  The boy already knows Bah B and Mah mee won't buy it. Turns out...his friends have outgrown Brawl Stars and moved onto the next fad already.

NN was also in tears when she said all her friends are talking about setting up Hangouts on their private emails.  I said.. but you can keep your school email until August.  "Yeah... until August!! But then it'll be turned off!!"  She was irritated... and a bit hurt.  Probably, more so, embarrassed to have two cheap-@$$ parents.

Why are we so cheap??? Why???  
Minecraft is just $7 on the App Store.  
We already set up Google accounts for them... but we're holding back. Why??? Why can't we let loose... and be the cool parents? Or maybe... for once... NOT be the uncool parents. 

Looking back... whenever the kids (more so SW) wanted sports equipment, I'd jump on the bit.  Basketball.  Tennis. Fishing. Bike. Baseball gloves. I wouldn't hesitate to rush to Target or Dick's.  

Being cheap is one thing... but at what expense??? My kids' happiness??? Is it worth it??? 

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