Sunday, May 31, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 75

There comes a time in any parent's life...where you're watching a movie that's coming of age.  It could be a number of things.  Drugs, violence, inappropriate jokes, adult language.

Tonight we watched a movie that was rated PG that came out in the early 90's.  I've seen this movie dozens of times...  but it wasn't till this time did I realize all the cuss words that were used that fell into my kids' ears.

Son of a booch. 
Gosh-darn this.  Gosh-darn that. 

Short of the f-word... I guess anything is free game.  

Then there's the other cringe worthy moments... or adult content.  The movie started with the male lead being in bed naked with a hottie.  For us... you know it's promiscuity.  But for a young innocent child... halfway through the movie, when the male lead starts to fall for the female lead.... NN said, "But he already has a girl friend.  That girl in the beginning."  And SW said... "That's not his girlfriend.  That was his sister."  

Hmm..... I guess when you look at the same thing from the eyes of the adult verses the eyes of a child... you can see two completely different things.  Makes me wonder what'll happen if we watched Total Recall.  Maybe we'll see THREE completely different things.  

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