Tuesday, May 05, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 50

I've always been mesmerized by the legend and aura of 三國.  Not that I read the novel... nor do I know the full story.  Recently.. I've been watching 回到三國 on encoreTVB, which is a rip off of 尋秦記.  Tonight... I had my heart ripped out of me when 劉軍 had to escape 曹操, 逃到江夏.  It's not like TVB has the video technology to make the 走難 scenes realistic nor was it their point.  Maybe COVID-19 and SIP really has my hormones running... or maybe... I'm getting to a point in life where this truly hits home.  Tens or hundreds of thousands of men, women and children of all ages... running for their lives with nothing more than what fits in a bag over their shoulders.

One of the climax of this series of events was of course 百萬軍中藏阿斗 - when 趙子龍 single-handedly rescues 劉備's son and fights his way back to camp.  Only for 劉備 to pick up the baby and nearly throw it to the ground.... blaming the child for almost costing him a general.  Romanticized legend?? I don't think you can make this stuff up...

Yes - for a moment there - I did put me and my family in those conditions.  What if????  Then I quickly gave thanks to the Lord for putting us in a time of peace.

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