Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 55

Drove out to the city to see Mom today and deliver her some premade, unfinished tacos, some staples and a container of 花膠湯.  Actually noticed she was genuinely moved when she saw the taco meat, taco shells and fixings.  Within minutes of driving away... she texted us saying downed 3 already.  A few minutes later... she gobbled down a fourth one after adding some pickled ginger.  

In return... she gave us some canned foods and an eerie looking plant which has successfully made its way to our front porch.   

Also visited dad and give him some soup.  He didn't need any of the staples...which is almost expected.  Dad also got us stuff... since he heard big bro was coming up.  He gave us some buns and BBQ pork.... only to find out later that big bro got BBQ pork and a roast duck.  Hmm.... favoritism?? Nah.... 

We pre-ordered and had some dim sum delivered to MIL.  When we stopped by during lunch to have a social distancing lunch... they said they polished off all the dim sum and were full.  We ended up hanging out with Gracie under a shaded area outside and chatted over a glass of vino.  

Got home... and I was tired.  Haven't driven so long in a while... my body wasn't use to it.  

At night... we had a little "indoor picnic."  The kids thoroughly enjoyed sitting on the floor and eating off of paper plates and plastic forks.  

When this was all said and done... the one person we forgot to "celebrate" was NN and SW's mom.  Oops!!  Oh well... every day is Mother's Day, right??? 

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