Friday, May 01, 2020

A diving catch

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 46

Major failure... we didn't do much in terms of planning for SW's bday.

Yesterday...we still haven't thought of any way special to celebrate his bday.  Didn't set up any zoom parties.  Didn't have plans to order his favorite foods.  His present was coming from Amazon... but a couple days late.  Luckily... we slipped into Target to get some "temporary" presents hoping it'll tie him over.

But how to make it special???  Around 11:30 last night... I was getting sleepy... when it occurred to me... why not make an adventure out of it? Kicked into high gear and starting cranking out hint after hint... clue after clue... oh... and it rhymed.  Each hint leads to the next hint which leads to a clue... and ultimately... leads him to his "temporary" gift.   Hid it all around the house.

Then someone suggested - send a pizza to his 1-2 best friends so they can eat together.  It doesn't have to be a big zoom party.  😲 What a wonderful idea!!

Woke up this morning... was about to make him spam and macaroni for breakfast... when Joyce reminds me she went and got him his other favorite breakfast food.  Something we haven't had for months!!  Pigs in the blanket.....

While the pigs were baking in the oven... he started his treasure hunt.  The clues turned out to be too easy.  He plowed through it in under 10 minutes.  Grrrrr.... and then he found the last gift - a giant Squish-mallow.

The rest of the day sped by fast.  We made him a fish fillet sandwich.   伯伯 came by to drop off some Wingstop and sing happy birthday. He had a Google Hangout playdate with some friends.  And we let him watch some Netflix on a school day.  Then we went driving around to catch some Pokemons.   On our drive home... SW said, "我今日好好好開心啊!"

Thank goodness for the diving catch...

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