Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Johnny Mnemonic

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 58

Everyone has their own method of remembering things... figuring things out.

Every Good Boy Does Fine - that's how I read music.
Roy G Biv - the colors of the rainbow

Somewhere along the lines of life... we've picked up or created these so called mnemonics.

Was studying Chinese with the kids... and NN was having the toughest time learning words used for measurement. 選擇量詞.  So I gave her some mnemonics....

房子 - there's a 門, and you have to enter the door to get into the room
衣服 - 單人旁,著牛仔褲... so it's clothes
點心 - 块 is like 快, 生日快樂。  You eat cake... which is like 點心
桌子 - she figured this one out herself.  the 弓字旁 looks like the letter "z" for zuo 
饭 - a ton of rice... ton starts with "t" which looks like 屯.  (don't judge me)
米 - you're stuffing your clothes (pants) with rice (whatever... it doesn't always work)
车 - this one's easy... 车字旁
飞机 - the 木 resembles an airplane...sorta... 
菜 - ahhh.. my favorite one.  太初有。 我是路, 真理, 生命.  Jesus is also the "Bread of Life."  And we eat "bread" just like we eat "菜." 

Then SW had 聽寫.  I walked by while Joyce was quizzing him... his word was 非常.  He couldn't think of 非.  So I stood in front of him.... stuck out three fingers on each side... and started fluttering my wings.   Worked like a charm.  Heh... again... whatever it takes!!! 


SW also has 選擇字旁.  And he was having trouble with remembering words that has 剔土旁.  So what do I do....?? 

剔土旁 - is earth. 
"Name a Pokemon that is an earth type."
(begrudgingly) "Geodude"
"Ahhh... perfect!! Geodude... is an earth type.  And is an evil Pokemon.  "不是好人, 是個坏人.  And 不 looks like Geodude...with his hands sticking out!!  So remember... Earth on one side.  And on the right hand side... it looks like Geodude.  Who is a.... bad person"   

Pokemon 74 Geodude Pokedex: Evolution, Moves, Location, Stats

SW loved it.
NN walks by and says... "It's weird.  But it works.  
Even Joyce smiled and shook her head in disbelief.  

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