Saturday, May 16, 2020

Nightmare lives on...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 61

A couple of weeks ago... KNBR was replaying the 2010 NLCS. Looking back, that strike 3 call was probably one of the greatest moments of my life.  Forever immortalized here...

I've buried 2002 into the deep gorges of tartares. Other than some obvious narratives... I've stayed away from thinking too much about those final 7 games. Yesterday on Youtube... there was a tribute to Barry Bonds... showing how he hit a soaring HR to the upper deck off K-Rod in Game 6 to put us up 5-0. And then... the floodgates opened up. the anger... fear.... anxiety... started pouring in. That was suppose to be the magic ending. The perfect ending to an otherwise tumultuous year. Only... the tumult continued.....

Oh the pain.... it hurts so badly.

I can't help but think of 47. The power outage. Those deep bombs. 2 yards out.... and we don't hand it to Gore.

I try with every last fiber of my being to push out 54... only to think of the "3rd and 15" play that will go down in infamy. Every now and then... while I'm tossing a football with the kids... I realize how easy it could've been for Jimmy G to drop it in the hands of Sanders.

In the midst of COVID and SIP... I count my blessings. Yet... in the eye of this hurricane is still those memories that will forever haunt me... to the day I go 6 feet under. The nightmare lives on....

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