Wednesday, September 30, 2020

You're not on mute!!!

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 37

Zoom Class was about to start. SW waved hi to his teacher and said good morning. Then his classmate... uh... Miss K walks by. She waves at the SW via Zoom. And I said... "SW... say Hi to Miss K!"  Cuz y'know.. it's manners.  He darts a soul piercing stare at me and mutters... "Bah B... you're not on mute!!!" 

Did that just happen???  Did I embarrass my son in front of a girl?? Does Siu Wah............. have a crush?!?!??!?!?!  😍😍😍

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Big Head Shrimp

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 36

Nearly burned the house down last night. Was making porridge... and I turned it down to a simmer. Then I forgot about it and went to sleep. At around 3AM, NN comes in and says she smells smoke... thankfully she woke up. 

What is happening??!! Too much on my mind these days... 

Monday, September 28, 2020

I've met my match...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 35

I'm known to be a perfectionist... wanting to drive for excellency... to a point where people get annoyed and try (but don't) say "Let it go."

I've been learning to lower my expectations throughout the years.  People are busy.  They have things to do.  It's good enough.  B+ is the new A.  Get over it.

And then... 中秋團圓夜 happens... and I've met my match.  These people strive for a higher standard and will walk the extra mile (or two) to deliver a quality product.  I'm blown away at their industrious spirt or in Christian jargon, their servant hearts.

"Can we meet again?"

"Whatever you say... we'll be there."


And the loads and loads of positive criticism and over the top ideas.  This is so refreshing.  Unlike the usual teeth-pulling, lone-ranging, beg-borrow-stealing that I'm use to.  No wonder our church family is so strong after all these years.  These Hidden Figures that keep our church running with no fanfare, no recognition and frankly... no desire to be known... except they have a passion to serve our Lord Jesus in our full capacity.  

I salute and I'm proud to march beside y'all. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 34

The weather was in the high 80's today... so after Sunday Service, we made an impromptu trip to the beach.  SW loves the beach... he isn't afraid to get wet or get dirty.  NN on the other hand is more reserved.  But when she saw that we were having so much fun... so couldn't resist coming out and wade with us.  And that's when the tsunami hit.

It was towering so high... the wave collapsed over me, let alone the kids, sending all three of us flying backwards.  I turned a little too slow and my foot ended up kicking SW's leg really hard... bending two of my toes in the downward position.  I could've sworn I hyper-extended something if not breaking some bones.  I was more worried about SW.  With that force... I could've really hurt him!!  Thankfully... he was just a little stunned.  I got back up and the two of them were still there... the wave didn't curl them away.  

The adult standing behind us saw us... picked up our hat... and cautiously handed it back to us while trying to keep social distance.  NN got up... and she looked different.  Something was missing.  

Her glasses. The waves washed away her glasses. 

I spent the next 45 minute to an hour walking around the beach trying to find it in the murky, rocky waters.  Was praying and hoping for a miracle that never came.  

And here I am, applying Tiger Balm to my foot to hopefully heal faster. Gosh it stinks!!! I smell like an old man... hahaha

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 28

Had a mentoring session today... and the kid asks two questions.  

  1. Question about his Masters - (Easy peesy answer)
  2. “What advice you tell your 25 year old self” - (Dang!!!!)
Answer to the 1st question... get it over with, quick.  Don't dwell. 
Answer to the 2nd question... 
  • Reiterated answer 1,  get it over with and move on with life.
  • Invest - not just maxing out ur 401k. Some deep, wide investments.
  • Sharing my faith - do it while you’re young before life catches up.
  • And lastly.... I would tell myself.... get married earlier. Especially if you've found her already.  
Forget regrets... 

Where are these kids coming from these questions!?!?!?

Monday, September 21, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 27




Saturday, September 19, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 25

6 months of sheltering in place allowed us to do a lot (A LOT) of cleaning. And finally, today... we took a minivan full of stuff to our local Goodwill.  It was such a release... like being constipated and finally getting that release.  Ahhhhhhhhh...... 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Γεια σας από την Ελλάδα

 COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 23

Γεια σας από την Ελλάδα!! (Hello from Greece!!)

After a 13 hour flight to Paris, and another 5 hour hop, we finally landed uneventfully in El. Venizelos International here in Athens.  We broke the clouds from the heavens of Olympus to be greeted by the majestic Acropolis just as lady Liberty does back home. Exiting the plane, I expected to pull up to Fraternity and Sorority row, with alphabets that make up my college math book, but sadly, everything is in English.  Without even caring for our luggage or getting a SIM card, we dashed toward the airport cafe and enjoyed a cup of overpriced, watered down Greek Coffee. Hmmm... nothing like washing down the crunchiness of the grounds with the nectar of the gods. 

Customs and Security was simple. They probably think we’re Japanese tourists and knew we were good for spending money on frivolous things (like overpriced coffee).  And yes... there was an airport Starbucks, very American looking. Greeks are fascinating. You have the one or two stereotypical types in mind, but this is a fascinating race with some of the greatest mixture of hair color, skin tone, eye hue, and facial structure. Common to anything and everything superficial, they all had the same smile and sparkle.

We got our luggage and started hunting down our resort shuttle. This is the worst part of any trip.. getting to your final destination when dozens of folks are screaming at you and waving pamphlets of tour busses, limos and horse drawn chariots driven by men in togas (no kidding). For some odd reason, we started following a few other American couples. In a strange and far away land... you naturally band together in hopes of survival.

How we finally met Adonis, I don’t know, but I haven’t felt so safe to be in Toyota Sienna since the time our car broke down on Hwy 5 and Zemmi rescued us from starvation and sun exhaustion. 2 of the other couples found a neighboring Sienna and were off to see who gets to the hotel check in line first. 

The sun was still shying behind the morning clouds... but you can tell the city was waking up with so many buses and cars starting to pile into the highway - full of kids and backpacks nonetheless. Adias and Under Armor the apparent style of choice. Maybe Nikes left town once Phil Knight famously moved his factory east ward to save a few pennies.

You can tell we’re approaching the luxurious, vacation spots in town as the gradual climb gave way to palm trees, Alfa Romeos and Maseratis.  I think I saw a Mercedes E Class.. and out jumped what looked like a gardener and his crew. Geez....

We lost the race to our fellow Americans and had to wait to check in. Katina hands our luggage to the bell service and immediately usher us to the lounge.  Line?! What line!!! If this resort were a temple... we were now going to pay our respects to Dionysus. We didn’t even have brunch yet and she’s pouring us a glass of fine local Greek wine. Along with some pita bread and hummus... we had our first official meal in Olympus. 

Katina is everything you would expect from a Greek goddess. Hair tied back, olive skin, a strong determined jaw bone, balanced out by the gentle curves of a decathlete. Oddly... she spoke with an English accent. New Zealand is where she grew up, having immigrated there as a kid and coming “home” after college to immerse in the culture.  She’s barely 25.... the world is her oyster... her goal is to build up her resume so she can join the Disney Cruise and really go see the world. (Silly kid...)

I was doing well paying respects to Dionysus as I’m on my third glass, when Alexandros strolls by with our package and itinerary. For some reason, he reminds me of a blond Jimmy G... With much regret, we bid αντιο σας to Katina and we’re whipped into hallways after hallways of statues and fresco painting.  Screw the Athenian Museum, there was more here than we can possibly take in with 3 months, let alone 3 days.

We arrive in our rooms... or shall I say... my little townhouse. We were greeted by a big banner that says “Happy 15 Year Anniversary.” Heh... Katina got my message. Gotta remember to tip her later.  Then I noticed instant Greek coffee that has an odd semblance of Folgers. And next to it, a six pack of Mythos. I felt the need to pay my respects to the Greek god of beer. Maybe later.  Turns out Alexandros will be our personnel guide / host during our stay here.  He’ll get us to where we need to go... and if need be... come along with us to make sure we find the best deals... if anything, bring some business to his Uncle Yiannis.  Joyce is a little tipsy at this point, with a 20 hr flight and several glasses of wine. We decide it’s time to unpack, unwind, and lie down for a bit before heading out to the Acropolis and Temple of Zeus.  Not before, of course, we head down to the Athens street market where we can get some gyros and kebabs. Ha!!!

My mouth is watering just thinking about it. So I’ll stop here... will pick up later after our tour and we make it back in time for our Athenian Volcanic Ash Mud Bath and Massage. Ohhhh yeahhhh....

(Sigh... if only COVID never happened)

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 22

Our annual offsite training completed today... with me giving a two our course on Technical Writing.  It's so hard to teach.  Writing isn't something you can teach in one session... it's a humanitarian art that takes time to develop.  Ugh... so stoopid.   But like most things, I take it seriously and put a lot of time and effort into it.   When I was done... I was done... I was pooped.  Drained.  Exhausted.  

The funny thing is... I was suppose to give a Technical Writing and Public Speaking class.  But a formal LM trainer was giving an Executive Presence class already so I didn't want to duplicate the material.  That class is based on a book writing my some mucky-muck.  And omg......... their material is almost 99% like my "Let's Proclaim" material.  Which is 75% like my "ExpressYourself" material.

Either.... I have been brought up in this company and all my skills are from the mothership.  Or heck... I can officially launch into professional coaching and/or write my own book!  

Monday, September 14, 2020

A wee bit jealous...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 21

Heritage's waiver was approved so teachers are spending this week prepping the class. As such... they're assigning work to the students and relying on parents to monitor the kids' progress.  In other words... it's home schooling.  I walked into the dining room during one of my breaks and saw Joyce reading the bible with SW... alternating verses.  For one, it's devotion time.  For another, SW mumbles, talks too soft and rambles too fast, so we've been trying to have him articulate slowly.

A sudden surge of jealously overtook me.  5, 10, 15 years from now... SW will look back (or not) and have this unspeakable bond with momma.  These little moments in time are the building blocks of a rock solid relationship.  Why can't I have that with my son....

Sunday, September 13, 2020

I'm gonna be on TV!!!

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 20

Hmmm... that was a weird dream.

I was casted to be the token Asian character in the new Avengers TV show.  Hehe... 

Then I walked into a museum that featured the authentic writings of Qin Chi Huang.  Which turned into a bookstore - and I was standing in front of the comic book section when big bro showed up.  Not by himself... but with Jennifer Yu!!!!!  and her boyfriend/husband.  Hehe... and somehow, I remember that I saw Judy Lau at the same store last week (WTH!?!?!).  

Then I started making through mazes and mazes of doors and tunnels... and ended up at a Chinese restaurant, with two giant tables, and only 1 person sat on each table.  They were obviously brothers saving the table for more to come.  As I was exiting, I run into Elder Paul and Peter Chan who were eating lunch there.  They asked me to sit down... and I said to Paul "Only after you wipe that thing off your ear." which turned out to be 2 inches worth of ear-hair!!!! So he tucked it back in his ear.

I continued my way out...and saw Warming chasing after me trying to tackle me.  When we got out there... we saw rows and rows of people lining up in a serpentine.  Warming says they're lining up to get the new T-Mac shoes.... limited to 20 pairs per person.  Hehehehe... and then the line started moving... and people were cutting!! 

What a weird dream.  Not as weird as last night... when I was part of a Matchmaking date and they were eating roast duck.  

Ah wellz... 

Oh... and she got the callback for a minor character. Hmmm... not that she's casted... but she has a 2nd chance to her 3rd chance.  We shall see. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 19

NN got through her audition... and there's no way to sugar coat it... she utterly, royally screwed up.  
She was nervous.  She couldn't stop fidgeting and singing prior to the audition time.  She did not listen to my advice... nor did I want to add anymore pressure.  

I told her to get ready to answer some questions.  State your name.  Act calm and confident.  She opted for the big smile... cutsie... nervous imbalance self.  Trying to be cute? Trying to gain sympathy points? 

She played the instrumental track.... and actually missed her part to enter.

She got a 2nd chance... and right away... you can hear she was tight, started on the wrong key, and not singing well.  She couldn't even hit the high note we've been practicing.

She got a 3rd chance... and she hit the first high not... but was too strained to finish the song.  Her voice cracked.

"Thank you.  You'll be hearing from us." 

I was so disappointed.  I AM so disappointed. I know she can do better.  Kicking myself for not having her practice more leading up to the audition.  Kicking myself for not being a better vocal coach (like I know anything).  This was the worst case scenario.  Had some done her best... left it all on the table... and not gotten a part... that's fine.  But now... now begins the nightmare.  And I had nightmares all night.  Cuz of this!?!?!?

This was just like that interview from a few years ago... where I couldn't sleep the next few days while waiting for the results.  This was horrible.  

Joyce thinks this is a learning moment.  She should've listened to us.  Should've heeded our advice and picked the song we thought she can sing.  Should've thrown that "false humble" crap out the window.  Should've been true to herself and go after what she wants.  Instead... she picked a song she couldn't sing, shouldn't have sang.  She didn't even get out of the chute.  And now she's wallowing in her misery.  Texting her friends saying, "I don't even want a part.  My parents forced me."  And then following up with, "Did you get a call back email? I'm not even going to check. I know I didn't get it." 

Now... she's in the sour-grapes phase while we wait.   Ugh... Yes, you want your child to experience failure so they can get back up.  But at the same time..... Ugh.... 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Leave nothing on the table

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 18

NN has her first official audition tomorrow.  In the past, her "auditions" have pretty much been hand-waving or rubber stamping to gain some experience.  This time it's for real... but she's NOT taking it for real.   

Her excuse is... she doesn't want the limelight.  She's content being in the ensemble.  Her semi-real reason... is if she tries and fails... Mommy and I will be disappointed.  Course... that's a load of bull.  Her real-real reason is... if she tries and fails... then she's a failure.  Aye.. so instead of failing... she opts for the "You can't fail if you never try" mentality.  

Why?? Gotta give it your all... or you'll always be wondering... what if I tried just a bit harder???  

Leave nothing on the table... and walk away a champion. No? Too harsh? Too tiger-dad? 

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Monday, September 07, 2020

If at first you don’t succeed

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 15

Took the kids fishing again on Labor Day Monday.... this time, we woke up earlier to get there in time to work out any mechanical kinks. We got there so early... I couldn't see anything!  By the time the sun started rising... we saw the dozens and dozens of concentric circles; signs of fish jumping out of the water or coming up for air. (coming up for air??!?!)  This was it!!! We were gonna get our first catch!!!

And then it happened.  I was fixing SW's pole....when NN got a bite!! She felt a tug...and her line started unreeling.  Something was pulling it...further and further away.  I was too busy fixing SW's pole and couldn't help... and before you knew it... she reeled in a half eaten bait.  Sigh... such it is.

But fear not!! Just signs that today was open season!! The fish is hungry!! And we're here to feed them... right?!? Wrong..... after that first bite.  Nothing happened again.  SW was so tired... we called it quits around 7AM.  Temperatures hit the mid-70's and we were done.

Man... needa put in some more time to research how to let my kids catch their first fish.  I want them to experience what I experienced that one time at Pier 1.  All it takes... is one time.  And after that 1 time... you're hooked for life (pun intended). 

Saturday, September 05, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 13

At exactly 5:45, they popped up. By 5:50, all dressed, cleaned, smiled and “Ready to go!” Today was “Fishing without License” day... and with SIP, where they’re not selling licenses, the only day we can go. The past few days I’ve been prepping, tuning up our gear, getting new rigs and hooks... all for this morning. 

We got there bright and early and the lake was full of little concentric circles... signs of fish nibbling the top. This was gonna be a wonderful day!!!! And moreover.... Big Bro and Clark was there. Such a great joy to bond as a family. 

But things rarely go as planned.  Lines kept getting stuck. If not to itself... then it’s to a tree. And so many times I had to cut the line and restring and rehook.  It was soooo frustrating, especially with 5 pairs of eyes on you. The pressure was suffocating. All I wanted... was for one of them to get a bite and go through the struggle of reeling in a fish. As I kept messing with the gear, the sun rose, the weather got warm, the fish disappeared. Big Bro did his part to keep Clark entertained... but alas, it’s boring to watch and not do. SW and NN knows better than to bother Bah B... so they entertained themselves. By the time I got everything up and running... we lost our slot. No mas. Gone. 

We clocked in maybe an hour of casting and reeling in seaweed. SW got bored right away. NN was in a better mood but her interest was waning. Clark...? This ain’t Animal Crossing bud....sorry. And before you knew it... I threw in the towel. Time to head home.

Last time we went fishing was 2018.... the silver lining of it was, at the end of the disappointing session, SW will say, “Let’s do it again!” This time... “We don’t need to come back for a long, long time.” Sigh....

Shoulda woulda coulda.... 

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Embodying the Stereotype

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 11

SW had to bring 3 props to his "All About Me" presentation today. The three things he picked...
  • a badminton birdie
  • a piano song book
  • and a copy of 老夫子
Can it get anymore stereotypical?!?!?!?