Tuesday, September 22, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 28

Had a mentoring session today... and the kid asks two questions.  

  1. Question about his Masters - (Easy peesy answer)
  2. “What advice you tell your 25 year old self” - (Dang!!!!)
Answer to the 1st question... get it over with, quick.  Don't dwell. 
Answer to the 2nd question... 
  • Reiterated answer 1,  get it over with and move on with life.
  • Invest - not just maxing out ur 401k. Some deep, wide investments.
  • Sharing my faith - do it while you’re young before life catches up.
  • And lastly.... I would tell myself.... get married earlier. Especially if you've found her already.  
Forget regrets... 

Where are these kids coming from these questions!?!?!?

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