Monday, September 07, 2020

If at first you don’t succeed

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 15

Took the kids fishing again on Labor Day Monday.... this time, we woke up earlier to get there in time to work out any mechanical kinks. We got there so early... I couldn't see anything!  By the time the sun started rising... we saw the dozens and dozens of concentric circles; signs of fish jumping out of the water or coming up for air. (coming up for air??!?!)  This was it!!! We were gonna get our first catch!!!

And then it happened.  I was fixing SW's pole....when NN got a bite!! She felt a tug...and her line started unreeling.  Something was pulling it...further and further away.  I was too busy fixing SW's pole and couldn't help... and before you knew it... she reeled in a half eaten bait.  Sigh... such it is.

But fear not!! Just signs that today was open season!! The fish is hungry!! And we're here to feed them... right?!? Wrong..... after that first bite.  Nothing happened again.  SW was so tired... we called it quits around 7AM.  Temperatures hit the mid-70's and we were done.

Man... needa put in some more time to research how to let my kids catch their first fish.  I want them to experience what I experienced that one time at Pier 1.  All it takes... is one time.  And after that 1 time... you're hooked for life (pun intended). 

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