Tuesday, September 15, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 22

Our annual offsite training completed today... with me giving a two our course on Technical Writing.  It's so hard to teach.  Writing isn't something you can teach in one session... it's a humanitarian art that takes time to develop.  Ugh... so stoopid.   But like most things, I take it seriously and put a lot of time and effort into it.   When I was done... I was done... I was pooped.  Drained.  Exhausted.  

The funny thing is... I was suppose to give a Technical Writing and Public Speaking class.  But a formal LM trainer was giving an Executive Presence class already so I didn't want to duplicate the material.  That class is based on a book writing my some mucky-muck.  And omg......... their material is almost 99% like my "Let's Proclaim" material.  Which is 75% like my "ExpressYourself" material.

Either.... I have been brought up in this company and all my skills are from the mothership.  Or heck... I can officially launch into professional coaching and/or write my own book!  

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