Sunday, September 27, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 34

The weather was in the high 80's today... so after Sunday Service, we made an impromptu trip to the beach.  SW loves the beach... he isn't afraid to get wet or get dirty.  NN on the other hand is more reserved.  But when she saw that we were having so much fun... so couldn't resist coming out and wade with us.  And that's when the tsunami hit.

It was towering so high... the wave collapsed over me, let alone the kids, sending all three of us flying backwards.  I turned a little too slow and my foot ended up kicking SW's leg really hard... bending two of my toes in the downward position.  I could've sworn I hyper-extended something if not breaking some bones.  I was more worried about SW.  With that force... I could've really hurt him!!  Thankfully... he was just a little stunned.  I got back up and the two of them were still there... the wave didn't curl them away.  

The adult standing behind us saw us... picked up our hat... and cautiously handed it back to us while trying to keep social distance.  NN got up... and she looked different.  Something was missing.  

Her glasses. The waves washed away her glasses. 

I spent the next 45 minute to an hour walking around the beach trying to find it in the murky, rocky waters.  Was praying and hoping for a miracle that never came.  

And here I am, applying Tiger Balm to my foot to hopefully heal faster. Gosh it stinks!!! I smell like an old man... hahaha

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