Sunday, September 13, 2020

I'm gonna be on TV!!!

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 20

Hmmm... that was a weird dream.

I was casted to be the token Asian character in the new Avengers TV show.  Hehe... 

Then I walked into a museum that featured the authentic writings of Qin Chi Huang.  Which turned into a bookstore - and I was standing in front of the comic book section when big bro showed up.  Not by himself... but with Jennifer Yu!!!!!  and her boyfriend/husband.  Hehe... and somehow, I remember that I saw Judy Lau at the same store last week (WTH!?!?!).  

Then I started making through mazes and mazes of doors and tunnels... and ended up at a Chinese restaurant, with two giant tables, and only 1 person sat on each table.  They were obviously brothers saving the table for more to come.  As I was exiting, I run into Elder Paul and Peter Chan who were eating lunch there.  They asked me to sit down... and I said to Paul "Only after you wipe that thing off your ear." which turned out to be 2 inches worth of ear-hair!!!! So he tucked it back in his ear.

I continued my way out...and saw Warming chasing after me trying to tackle me.  When we got out there... we saw rows and rows of people lining up in a serpentine.  Warming says they're lining up to get the new T-Mac shoes.... limited to 20 pairs per person.  Hehehehe... and then the line started moving... and people were cutting!! 

What a weird dream.  Not as weird as last night... when I was part of a Matchmaking date and they were eating roast duck.  

Ah wellz... 

Oh... and she got the callback for a minor character. Hmmm... not that she's casted... but she has a 2nd chance to her 3rd chance.  We shall see. 

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