Monday, September 28, 2020

I've met my match...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 35

I'm known to be a perfectionist... wanting to drive for excellency... to a point where people get annoyed and try (but don't) say "Let it go."

I've been learning to lower my expectations throughout the years.  People are busy.  They have things to do.  It's good enough.  B+ is the new A.  Get over it.

And then... 中秋團圓夜 happens... and I've met my match.  These people strive for a higher standard and will walk the extra mile (or two) to deliver a quality product.  I'm blown away at their industrious spirt or in Christian jargon, their servant hearts.

"Can we meet again?"

"Whatever you say... we'll be there."


And the loads and loads of positive criticism and over the top ideas.  This is so refreshing.  Unlike the usual teeth-pulling, lone-ranging, beg-borrow-stealing that I'm use to.  No wonder our church family is so strong after all these years.  These Hidden Figures that keep our church running with no fanfare, no recognition and frankly... no desire to be known... except they have a passion to serve our Lord Jesus in our full capacity.  

I salute and I'm proud to march beside y'all. 

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