Saturday, September 05, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 13

At exactly 5:45, they popped up. By 5:50, all dressed, cleaned, smiled and “Ready to go!” Today was “Fishing without License” day... and with SIP, where they’re not selling licenses, the only day we can go. The past few days I’ve been prepping, tuning up our gear, getting new rigs and hooks... all for this morning. 

We got there bright and early and the lake was full of little concentric circles... signs of fish nibbling the top. This was gonna be a wonderful day!!!! And moreover.... Big Bro and Clark was there. Such a great joy to bond as a family. 

But things rarely go as planned.  Lines kept getting stuck. If not to itself... then it’s to a tree. And so many times I had to cut the line and restring and rehook.  It was soooo frustrating, especially with 5 pairs of eyes on you. The pressure was suffocating. All I wanted... was for one of them to get a bite and go through the struggle of reeling in a fish. As I kept messing with the gear, the sun rose, the weather got warm, the fish disappeared. Big Bro did his part to keep Clark entertained... but alas, it’s boring to watch and not do. SW and NN knows better than to bother Bah B... so they entertained themselves. By the time I got everything up and running... we lost our slot. No mas. Gone. 

We clocked in maybe an hour of casting and reeling in seaweed. SW got bored right away. NN was in a better mood but her interest was waning. Clark...? This ain’t Animal Crossing bud....sorry. And before you knew it... I threw in the towel. Time to head home.

Last time we went fishing was 2018.... the silver lining of it was, at the end of the disappointing session, SW will say, “Let’s do it again!” This time... “We don’t need to come back for a long, long time.” Sigh....

Shoulda woulda coulda.... 

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